Anderson University's Dual Credit Program
Launch Program
Are you a high school student looking to get a head start on your college education? You might be in high school, but you can still take college classes. The Anderson University Launch Program allows qualifying high school juniors and seniors to take introductory courses on Anderson University’s campus and earn college credit prior to high school graduation. The Launch Program is designed to give you the experience the rigor of college-level coursework, gain valuable skills, and reduce the time and cost of your college education.
Launch Benefits
- Experience college-level coursework and expectations.
- Gain confidence and ease the transition from high school to college.
- Build a strong foundation for future academic success.
- Take advantage of reduced tuition rates for dual enrollment courses.
- Earn college credits that count towards both your high school diploma and a college degree.
- Graduate high school with college credits, putting you ahead of your peers.

Begin the Enrollment Process
Are you ready to take the next step in your academic journey from the Launch Program? You’ve already experienced how our undergraduate programs offer personalized learning experiences and a supportive community. We’re excited to be among your top college choices!
1. If you haven’t applied yet, please complete your application for admission online or through the common app!
2. If you have applied already, your next step is to complete your scholarship profile. This will ask you several questions about yourself to pair you with the institutional scholarships that you are eligible for, like this one listed above. Your scholarship profile will also help you meet specific scholarship deadlines.
High school juniors or seniors must meet the following requirements:
- Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Agree to abide by the Lifestyle Statement at Anderson University (found in the Launch Program Application).
For courses offered during the academic year, the total cost for Launch participants is $75 per credit hour. This does not include textbooks or additional class fees.
Payment must be made at registration. Placement exams may be required. Students may take up to 6 credit hours each semester, not to exceed a total of 24 credit hours for the program.
AU must receive the following information for a Launch Program application file to be considered:
- Launch Program application
- High school transcript
Successful completion of the Launch Program requires students to meet all Launch Program attendance requirements and complete all first-semester courses with passing grades.
Get a head start on your future and apply today
Have questions?
Contact us at The Launch Program is not available for online courses.
Fall of 2024 LAUNCH Program Exclusive
The following two classes will be available on Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. this fall 2024. Students can elect to enroll in these two courses, which will be offered exclusively to Launch program students. All other courses are taken alongside Anderson University college students.
- ENGL 1110 – Rhetoric & Composition
- HIST 2110 – American History 1
All Available Launch Courses
These courses are a catalog of all pre-approved as introductory-level courses for high school students enrolled in the Launch program. Please contact the Office of Admissions to check space availability and class times. Any courses with an * indicate that additional supply fees apply to that specific course.
Bible & Religion
- CMIN 2000 – Introduction to Church Ministry
- RLGN 1100 – Introduction to Spiritual Formation
- BSNS 1050 – Business as a Profession*
- BSNS 2710 – Principles of Management
- BSNS 2810 – Principles of Marketing
Computer Science
- CPSC 1400 – Computer Science I
- Any Level I or Level II dance techniques class
- DANC 1590 — Dance Composition I
- DANC 1580 — Dance Improvisation I
- DANC 3000 — Dance in the Global Community
English & Communication
- COMM 1000 – Introduction to Speech Communication
- COMM 2000 – Media and Society
- ENGL 1110 – Rhetoric & Composition
- ENGL 1120 – Rhetoric & Research
Health Sciences
- EXSC 1360 – Introduction to Exercise Science
- NURS 2130 – Is Nursing for Me?
- NURS 2140 – Issues in Nursing
- PEHS 1000 – Fitness/Leisure for Life
- SPAN 1010 – Elementary Spanish I
- FREN 1010 – Elementary French 1
- GERM 1010 – Elementary German 1
- MATH 1220 – Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
- MATH 1250 – Explorations in Mathematics
- MATH 1300 – Finite Mathematics
- THEA 2110 – Acting I
- THEA 2220 – Theatre Genres and Analysis
- THEA 2350 – Introduction to Acting
- MUBS 2010 – Introduction to Music Business
- MUED 1000 – Introduction to Music Education
- MUSC 1010 – Theory I
- MUSC 1030 – Aural Comprehension I
- MUPF 1230 — Jazz Combo
- MUPF 1270 — Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- MUPF 1280 — Jazz Ensemble
- MUPF 1330 — Symphony Orchestra
- MUPF 1360 — Brass Ensemble
- MUPF 1370 — Woodwind Ensemble
- MUPF 1380 — String Ensemble
- MUPF 1390 — Percussion Ensemble
- MUSC 2210 – Music, the Arts, and Culture
- MUSC 2220 – Music in Society
- MUPF 1070 – Women’s Chorus
- MUPF 1180 – Men’s Choir
- MUPF 1260 – Concert Band
- MUPF 1310 – Anderson Symphonic Choir
- MUPF 1330 – Chamber Orchestra
- *Any private music lesson (by audition)
- BIOL 1000 – Principles of Modern Biology
- BIOL 2070 – Humans and the Environment
- BIOL 2210 – Foundations of Modern
Biology I - BIOL 2220 – Foundations of Modern Biology II
- BIOL 2410 – Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 2420 – Anatomy & Physiology II
- CHEM 1000 – Introduction to Chemistry
- PHYS 1020 – Earth and Space Science
- PHYS 1000 – Physical Science
- PHYS 1240 — Introduction to Astronomy
History / Social & Behavioral Sciences
- CRIM 2520 — Introduction to Criminal Justice
- HIST 2000 – History of World Civilization
- HIST 2030 – Western Civilization I
- HIST 2040 – Western Civilization II
- POSC 2020 – Introduction to World Politics
- POSC 2100 – American National Government
- PSYC 2000 – General Psychology
- PSYC 2100 — Interpersonal Relationships
- SOCI 2010 – Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 2020 – Social Problems