Anderson University
Police/Security Services
The Anderson University Police/Security Department (available at (765) 641-3333) is responsible for the safety of the campus. Campus police and student officers patrol the campus on foot and in patrol vehicles 24-hours a day, seven days a week. During the late evening hours, officers check campus buildings, residence halls and lounges, and other places students congregate.
Campus police officers are authorized by the State of Indiana to investigate crimes, take complaints, make arrests, and to enforce federal, state and local laws, including traffic laws. Police officers are Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) or have advanced First Aid First Responder training.
The campus police department’s jurisdiction is bounded by the White River (west), Scatterfield Road (east), East 8th Street (south) and Lindberg Road (north). Officers have a working relationship with and share information of mutual concern with state, local and federal police departments.

- Produce monthly police blotter for incidents requiring a written case report.
- Issue Timely Warnings to students in the event an incident would occur that could pose a threat to students.
- Provide student escorts 24 hours a day for safety and medical purposes by officers and student security officers. Student officers also assist with the patrolling of campus, locking buildings, and working special events.
- Provide vehicle jump starts, unlocking of vehicle doors, and pumping air to inflate tires.
- The issue of Student Identification Cards.
- Issue Emergency weather campus alerts.
- Assist with Fire Drills and Tornado Drills.
- Provide Self-Defense Awareness & Familiarization Exchange (S.A.F.E.) classes.
- Provide Safety meetings upon request.
- Provide medical assistance when trained personnel are on duty (officers are either Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) or have advanced First Aid training).
- Provide access to ten Blue Light Emergency telephones located around campus. In addition, there are 25 telephones located on buildings that have 24-hour access that allow students to call friends or to call escorts, door unlocks or other services.
- Responsible for Parking Regulations and enforcement.
- Permits, tickets, and appeals
Contact and Hours
(765) 641-3333
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Rick Garrett, Director of Police/Security
Department of Security Services
Hardacre Hall
Office Hours
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Monday – Wednesday