About Anderson University
and Vision
The mission of Anderson University is to “educate for a life of faith and service in the church and society.” At the heart of our university culture is the pursuit of three virtues: truth, faith, and service. As a Christian university, Jesus means everything to us. Our faithfulness is woven throughout our identity and stitched into our mission, values, virtues, and ethos. Anderson University is a place of academic and Christian discovery, we are committed to academic excellence and an outstanding student experience.

Living the Mission
Established and sustained within the free and open traditions of the Church of God, this university is committed to being a teaching-learning community of the highest order, engaged in the pursuit of truth from a Christian faith perspective.
Through academic and Christian discovery, we intend to graduate people with a global perspective who are competent, caring, creative, generous individuals of character and potential.
We will build those quality programs that will enable each member of the university to become stronger in body, mind, and spirit, to experience what it means to love God and neighbor and to adopt Christ-like servant ways in all of life. This is what the AU mission and vision are based on.
Ethos Statement
At Our Core
As a learning community, rooted in the Church of God (Anderson) movement, we celebrate the vibrancy of life in Christ. Our identity as a Christian University can be described in three words: Real life transformed. What that means is simple: we want to meet people where they are. We believe that the experiences and beliefs we bring to campus are real and authentic. We choose to welcome those who do not enjoy relationship with Jesus Christ, and we open ourselves to engaging with people, from all walks of life, in a community and culture confidently faithful to biblical truths and expectations. Our commitment begins with respecting the real lives students bring with them to campus, but it does not end there. We want our entire learning community to experience the kind of genuine transformation that comes from knowing Jesus, and understanding his incredible plans for the world. And so we challenge ourselves to consider three big questions: “Who is God?”, “Who am I?”, and “How do we live?” We believe that the pursuit of answers to these questions will lead to genuine Christian spiritual transformation—in and beyond the classroom. Real life transformed for dynamic service to church and society.
Anderson University is committed to the preservation of integrity with our past and our present and to ensuring that important values are continued into our future. We want to state clearly to the various constituents we serve—prospective and current students and their families, alumni, donors, the Church, community partners, and prospective and current faculty and staff—the ideals that bind us together as an academic community. This statement articulates our unifying ethos.
Our Posture
Anderson University seeks to follow Christ’s commandment through a posture of love. The university relies on the greatest commandment as instructed by Jesus; that is, to love God with heart, mind, and soul while also loving neighbor as self. We recognize that as a campus we are made up of people who may hold differing positions on various matters and yet we expect each to follow God’s commandment first and foremost by engaging one another in love and celebrating together “the vibrancy of life in Christ.”
Our Core Values
Our core values are a driving force and motivation for how we do community. Our values guide us in navigating challenging situations and making crucial decisions.
Commitment to Christian moral values, shared virtues, and biblical truth; keeping faith with university policies.
High-quality performance, innovation, and creativity; a relentless pursuit of the best in each individual and the wider learning community.
Readiness to give of one’s gifts and talents with a spirit of gratitude; an attitude and posture of hospitality that comes with intercultural humility; a willingness to extend others the benefit of the doubt, placing mercy above rightness.
Personal and social accountability to God and neighbor; trustworthy stewardship of personal and university resources.
Servant Leadership
Dedication to a life of service; a preferential awareness of the needs of others in the resolution of problems; a willingness to take the first step, however challenging, in meeting the demands of the day; embracing a spirit of servanthood that extends beyond one’s culture.
Guiding Commitments
Anderson University is an Endorsed Agency of the Church of God. Our deep commitment to our sponsoring church shapes every aspect of our institution—programs, curriculum, practices, and policies for students, staff, and faculty. We fully embrace our identity, history, founding, and mission, and this statement outlines the theological and religious principles guiding our learning community in relation to our founding religious body.
Church of God Commitments
- Jesus is the Subject: Everything revolves around Jesus Christ, and this perspective is central to our approach to various issues.¹
- Authority of The Bible: We hold the whole Bible as authoritative in faith, doctrine, and practice. In order to understand God’s word as human beings, we acknowledge the necessity of the Holy Spirit’s illumination, attention to context, scope, genre, literary style, historical and cultural background of the divinely inspired authors, and informed use of biblical scholarship.²
- Empowerment and Guidance of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit empowers God’s people. The Holy Spirit continues to guide matters of faith for those redeemed by Christ and open to the Spirit’s guidance.³
- Human Deference to God—Historically Resistant to Creeds: We resist creedal statements and recognize the limitations of human rule. We acknowledge the flexibility in emphasis and interpretation of theological writing provided that individuals engage in good faith and that they adhere to our commitments to Jesus and the authority of the entire Bible.⁴
- Experiencing the Unity of Believers: Spiritual unity is experienced by believers truly open toward each other, emphasizing the lordship of Jesus Christ through his incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension.⁵
- Spiritual Growth in Life and Practice: Rooted in both the Wesleyan Holiness Revivalist and the American Pietist streams of Christianity, our church group views Scripture as the key lens for understanding. Through Scripture, we draw insights from the experience of God, the traditions of the church (with a specific focus on the New Testament church), and the divine gift of reason. Together, these elements guide believers in applying God’s word to both personal and corporate life and practice.⁶
Anderson University (AU) Commitments
- Aligns with the Church of God (Anderson): We value our relationship with and responsibility to the Church of God (Anderson) and its governing body, the General Assembly. This covenantal relationship informs our curriculum, mission, community standards, moral expectations,⁷ and faith perspective in pursuing knowledge. All who willingly choose to participate in the life of Anderson University are expected to respect the Church of God’s theology and practice.⁸
- Is an Institution of Higher Education: The University prioritizes liberal arts curriculum and spiritual formation through chapel programming, student life, and faculty investment. Being an institution of higher education informs the levels of uniformity expected of and freedom granted to students, staff, and faculty.
- Values Curiosity and Inquiry to Truth: We approach our mission of higher education through a Christian faith perspective that “is prepared to raise questions of truth, value, meaning, and morality, not escaping easily into a false objectivity or a sterile neutrality.”⁹ AU embraces the benefit of religious thinking, practice, and approaches to pursuing knowledge without fear of the questions, inquiry, research, and critique that coincide with unexamined religious boundary-keeping and conformity. This openness to curiosity, in the context of a church-sponsored university, leads to tension between inquiry and is met with humility and hospitality in a learning community that embodies faith-seeking understanding.¹⁰
- Prioritizes Faculty and Staff Unity Around Faith in Jesus: Embodying the broader Church of God vision for Christian Unity among faculty and staff, we prioritize our commitment to Jesus as Lord while respecting diverse Christian perspectives on secondary issues.¹¹
- Purposefully Embraces a Spirit of Servanthood: We seek after the highest good of all persons in the community and the highest good of the community itself. To this end, we intentionally direct our time, abilities, and resources to those in need.
- Faithfully Welcomes All Students into Transformational Community: We welcome students of all backgrounds and identities. We encourage a transformative journey of mind and spirit rooted in the Church of God (Anderson) traditions. Our community pursues unity in diversity and welcomes those who will willingly participate in our educational mission and community.
These commitments determine our approach to matters of faith, practice, and morality, influencing student life, academic programs, and employee expectations. Practices like corporate chapel, required biblical literacy courses, experiential learning, and community lifestyle expectations are rooted in these commitments. Our living tradition informs our interpretation of God’s word and the Spirit’s work in the life of AU as we faithfully pursue our mission.
Guiding Commitments Footnotes
¹ See, www.jesusisthesubject.org (Church of God Ministries webpage), and Gilbert W. Stafford, Theology for Disciples (Warner Press, Anderson, IN: 1996), chapter 5.
² See, John W. V. Smith, I Will Build My Church: Biblical Insights on Distinguishing Doctrines of the Church of God (Warner Press, 1985, 1999), chapter 3, “A Whole-Bible Basis for Belief”; Barry L. Callen, Leaning Forward!: General Assembly of the Church of God in the United States and Canada (Emeth Press, 2019), vii.
³ See, John W. V. Smith, The Quest for Holiness and Unity (Warner Press, 1980), 47; Arlo F. Newell, Receive the Holy Spirit (Warner Press).
⁴ See, John W. V. Smith, The Quest for Holiness and Unity (Warner Press, 1980), 47; Merle D. Strege, I Saw the Church (Warner Press, 2002), chapter 10 “The Triumph of History”; John W. V. Smith, I Will Build My Church: Biblical Insights on Distinguishing Doctrines of the Church of God (Warner Press, 1985, 1999), 12-13.
⁵ See, James Earl Massey, Concerning Christian Unity, 7-8; Cited in Mark Jackson, A Closer Look at God’s Church (Christian Insight Publications: Shelbyville, KY, 2016), 188.
⁶ John W. V. Smith, I Will Build My Church: Biblical Insights on Distinguishing Doctrines of the Church of God (Warner Press, 1985, 1999), chapters 6, 12, and 13.
⁷ One key document identifying moral expectations in the Church of God is the 2023 Credentials Manual that identifies forms of misconduct of ministers. Our community standards do not expect all members to live up to the expectations for ordained ministers, but this document does clarify the church’s views and expectations on many moral positions including harassment, integrity, holy living, sexuality, marriage, family, finances, and others. (See in particular 2.1.2 for the “Code of Ethics,” 2.1.3 for “Theological Commitments,” and 7.3.3 for reasons requiring counsel and/or discipline.)
⁸ As an Endorsed Agency of the Church of God, Anderson University is in covenant relationship with the General Assembly of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana).
⁹ “Anderson College: In Partnership with the Church,” Pamphlet published, December 1982.
¹⁰ See, Ethos Statement: https://anderson.edu/about/mission-vision, “Academic and Christian Discovery”.
¹¹ See Academic Freedom and Community Expectations in the Faculty/Staff Handbooks.