Students touching Pioneer Rock

Are you Raven Ready?


SOAR is more than just a fancy acronym–Student Orientation And Registration! SOAR is an event where you’ll have the opportunity to build your class schedule, meet other future Ravens, learn more about campus resources that will be available to you, engage with faculty in your chosen major, and tour your future home for the next few years. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of what it means to be a student at Anderson University!

Looking for more resources? Visit these links:

SOAR Resources

Campus Information

Student ID

At SOAR, you will take your student ID photo. If you were unable to attend an in-person SOAR, it’ll be important to send your photo to your admissions counselor so an ID can be created for you for the start of Welcome Weekend. 

Working On Campus

For incoming students interested in working on campus, job openings will be available once the school year begins. Priority will be given to students who are eligible for Work Study. If you have any questions, please contact Pauletta Swank in Work-Life Engagement at or (765) 641-4132.

Parking Pass

For students bringing a car to campus, we highly encourage you to purchase your parking pass online, prior to move-in. Passes for the fall semester can be purchased online after July 15, here. Passes will be mailed to you until one week before classes start. After that, you can pick up your parking pass during Welcome Weekend.

Receiving Mail On Campus

You can share this address to receive your mail on campus.

1100 E. 5th St.
Anderson, IN 46012

Read more about our mail services here.

Ordering Textbooks/Slingshot

All incoming students are automatically opted into the Slingshot program with a default preference for rental books (the most affordable). If you choose to opt out and purchase your books elsewhere, or would like to change your book preferences, click here

Your username is your AU email address, and your password is your student ID number (if you don’t know your student ID, ask your admissions counselor). If for any reason this is not working, click on the “Forgot Password” link and follow the prompts. For more specific questions, please email

Campus Map

Just in case you need it, here is our map


The housing application is officially open! Whether planning to live on campus or commute, all students need to fill out the application, which can be accessed in the student portal. If you have any questions or concerns about AU housing, please contact, or your admissions counselor.


Female students in Anderson University Residence Hall



Okta is your “one-stop shop” student portal  while at AU. It’s where you can connect with systems like AccessAU for your class schedule and academic advising, Canvas for course materials, My FinAid for financial aid, Gmail for your email, etc.

Computer Recommendation

We recommend a Windows laptop for most students, but you may choose to use any Windows or Apple computer. Any option will work on the network. Click here to learn more.

Password Reset

Your username and temporary password are sent to your personal email account once you have been admitted to AU. Use this link if you need to reset your Okta password or reach out to the ITS for assistance.


Managing a campus email account is part of college life. You will be able to communicate with those on and off campus through your personal AU email account on RavenMail.

Free Office365

All AU undergraduate students can have a Microsoft Office 365 license at no cost! Click here for instructions.

ITS Department

Visit the ITS helpdesk for assistance in setting up or maintaining your devices or software.

Financial Aid

Setting up Payment Plans

We use Nelnet, our third party billing provider, for payment plans. Each month, the Business Office emails these electronic statements to students. The first bill will be sent out in July.

We encourage students to make trusted family members/guardians authorized users on their Nelnet account. If family members are authorized users, they will have their own log-in and will be able to view your student account, make payments, etc. For more information, you can contact our Business Office at or visit them on our website.

Talk to your financial aid counselor

  • For undergraduate students with last names beginning with A-M, and all Veteran Students: Book time with Travis Reffitt. HERE
  • For undergraduate students with last names beginning with N-Z: Book time with Marie Agnew. HERE
  • For undergraduate students who are International: Book time with Marie Agnew. HERE
  • David Sarah, Director of Financial Aid:

Student Loans

Students may have scholarships, grants, and/or student loans that are pending. Students must accept any items that are pending. Reminders for this process will be sent out at the beginning of June.

There are two ways to access the financial aid portal: direct log in or through Okta.

Direct Login

  • Use your network login information provided in your admissions information
  • Click menu
  • Click Pending Aid (this will not show if there are no pending financial aid items)
  • Click the drop down box beside pending aid individually to accept or decline or use the Accept All/Decline Option below awards
  • Click Submit

You will then be redirected back to your Home page and your information will immediately update in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

​​​​​​Okta Login

  • Use your network login information provided in your admissions information
  • Click the My FinAid tile
  • Click Pending Aid (this will not show if there are no pending financial aid items)
  • Click the drop down box beside pending aid individually to accept or decline or use the Accept All/Decline Option below awards
  • Click Submit 

    You will then be redirected back to your Home page and your information will immediately update in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

    For those accepting loans: Steps two and three are to complete Entrance Loan Counseling (ELC) and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) on Students will need to log in with their FSA ID (FAFSA login credentials).