Student Life
Welcome to Anderson University! We’re so excited for you to join our Raven family. As you move to campus and settle in before the start of classes, we’ve scheduled some activities to help you get acquainted with campus and learn more about what it means to be a student here at AU.
Welcome Weekend 2024 will officially begin with new student move-in on Thursday, August 22 and continue until the start of classes on Monday, August 26.
Check out the full Welcome Weekend schedule below.

Scroll through welcome weekend events below
All incoming freshmen, regardless of whether they are living on campus or commuting, are required to be a part of Welcome Weekend activities, serving as the official start of the year for incoming first-year students. Please make arrangements now for work, family outings, etc. If unable to attend any part of the weekend due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., family wedding, family emergency, etc.), let your resident assistant (RA) and Peer Mentor know during move-in day.
For our commuters, we will provide meals from Thursday evening through Sunday brunch for those who don’t have a meal plan (a temporary meal card will be provided during the Commuter Gathering on Thursday). During the weekend you’ll have access to the commuter space in the library to leave your personal items if you choose and rest during free time.
Transfer students who have 23 or fewer credit hours of post-high school face-to-face coursework from a regionally accredited traditional college campus will also be required to participate in Welcome Weekend activities. Those transfer students who have 24 or more post-high school credit hours will have the option to “opt-in” to Welcome Weekend activities. We strongly encourage all undergraduate transfer students to be a part of the Welcome Weekend activities! Opt-in here.