Anderson University Galleries

Plan a Visit to Our Museums and Exhibits!

Galleries and exhibits

Anderson University has three gallery spaces comprised of a rotating exhibition program in the Jessie C. Wilson Gallery, and two permanent displays featuring The Warner Sallman Collection and The Jeeninga Museum of Near Eastern and Biblical Archaeology.

The Wilson Gallery rotates the works of regionally and nationally recognized artists. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday during event exhibits. It is closed on holidays, during university breaks, and summer.

The Jeeninga Museum is open from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Fridays when AU classes are in session, and also by appointment.

The Warner Sallman Collection is located in the Scheierman Gallery and is open by appointment only.

Admission is free and open to the public.

About the Galleries

Students visiting the Jeeninga Museum

The Jeeninga Museum

Focused on Near Eastern and Biblical Archaeology, this collection is on display in the Gaither Gallery located on the first floor of the York Performance Hall. The museum is free to the public, open Tuesdays and Fridays when AU classes are in session from 9 a.m. to noon. Opportunities for viewing the collection may be arranged by appointment year-round.


The Warner Sallman Collection

 This collection is displayed in the Scheierman Gallery located on the second floor of York Performance Hall. The Scheierman Gallery houses the permanent collection of original paintings by Warner Sallman. The gallery is open by appointment only.


The Wilson Gallery

Located on the second floor of the Krannert Fine Arts Center, the Wilson Gallery rotates the works of regionally and nationally recognized artists. The gallery is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday during event exhibits. It is closed on holidays, during university breaks, and summer.

Gallery Accessibility


Please park in the visitors parking outside the Krannert Fine Arts Center. Enter through the doors to the York Performance Hall Through the brick underpass.

Entrances & Elevator

York Performance Hall has accessible power-assist doors. The Jeeninga museum is on the main floor of the York Performance Hall. The Warner Sallman gallery is on the second floor of York Performance Hall. There is an elevator located in the entrance hall on the south side of the building through the underpass.


The Museum can provide a manual wheelchair free of charge. Please reserve a week in advance.

Service Dogs

We follow the Federal and State Government’s guidelines on service animals and welcome dogs that are trained to perform a task or work for a person with a disability.


The museum can provide large print guides upon request as well as tactile educational materials. Arrangements for all tours including date and time must be made two weeks in advance.