Welcome to the family
Congratulations, you are admitted to Anderson University. On behalf of the entire Raven family, welcome home. To secure your spot at AU and ensure a smooth transition, complete your #RAVENBOUND checklist below.

4 simple steps to securing
your spot on campus.
Submitting your deposit officially secures your spot at AU, as well as the ability to apply for housing and SOAR (student orientation and registration). While the deposit is not binding, we encourage you to submit it when you’re ready to commit to AU. Not sure how to make a deposit, watch this video for step-by-step directions.
Sign up for SOAR.
SOAR is your “Student Orientation and Registration” event where you’ll have the opportunity to build your class schedule, meet other future Ravens, and learn more about campus resources that will be available to you. It is a key time to engage with faculty in your chosen major or an advisor if you are still exploring.
Submit your FAFSA using AU’s school code: 001785.*
The FAFSA form, short for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is an application for federal student aid. Filling it out can help students pay for college. We’ll use this data to determine your federal and state aid eligibility as a future Raven. CODE: 001785
Your student portal is your “one-stop-shop” for everything you need on your journey to becoming a Raven. You’ll use this portal for scholarships, forms, financial aid information, to-do’s, etc.
NOT SURE WHERE TO START? No SWEAT. You’re in the family now. Let’s talk it out.
_ Undergraduate Admissions Team
How to submit your enrollment deposit:
View a quick, step-by-step video tutorial on how to submit your enrollment deposit to Anderson University! You can also explore this blog resource: What is an enrollment deposit?
Have you secured your spot with the steps above? Great! Now let's focus on the final details.
Automatically qualify for more scholarships.
We offer several first-time freshmen and transfer scholarships that are donor-funded. Fill out your scholarship profile in the student portal, and your profile will automatically let us know what you are eligible for. We’ll match you to more scholarships and grants from our generous donors and alumni.
Receive your financial aid notification packet.
You’ll receive this at the mailing address and email address that you provided on your application for admission. You will receive the strongest financial aid notification after filling out both the FAFSA and scholarship profile.
The U.S. Department of Education has delayed the FAFSA applicant data release to all universities nationwide until December 2024. As soon as we are able to access the data, we will work to extend financial aid offers. We anticipate AU offers will be sent to incoming students shortly after we receive the data.
Complete your housing application.
The housing application form can be found in your student portal. If you are planning to be a commuter, you will indicate this on your form. You will also select your preferred meal plan option during the housing application process. Please contact your admissions counselor if you have any questions.
Complete your health history form.
This form can be found in your student portal. Please contact your admissions counselor if you have any questions.