School of Theology & Christian Ministry
Anderson University School of Theology and Department of Christian Ministry offers the only seminary of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). Our ongoing relationship with our sponsoring church is valued, and a vital partnership necessary for providing spiritual leaders for the church in the 21st century. The seminary community is also enriched by the variety of church backgrounds and ethnic heritage of its students, faculty, and staff.
We believe that the Seminary will help you achieve a quality graduate theological education characterized by an aspiration to be biblical in orientation, missional in emphasis, and relational in spirit.
It is the ultimate prayer that the Seminary be a place where scholarship, spirituality, and service are offered to the glory of God. It is our prayer that you will experience God’s grace and peace wherever He leads you.
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The mission of the Anderson University School of Theology is to educate for a life of faith and service in the church and society. The faculty and staff of the seminary are committed to being a community where biblical faith, academic integrity, Christian spirituality, love for persons, and a responsible relation with the created order and all humankind is both believed and practiced.
To this end, the Seminary is sensitive to the need to facilitate the spiritual growth of the seminarian. It values spiritual formation as a central integration point of preparation for ministry. This integration complements the academic disciplines with a responsiveness to the divine presence of the Lord in word and deed. Students and faculty are encouraged to share together in the community life of faith through chapel attendance, small prayer groups, spiritual formation groups, and personal meditation. Active participation in the life of a local congregation is also highly desirable.
Guest Lectures To Support spiritual formation.
The Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry believes it is important to enhance the educational opportunities of its students by bringing guest lecturers and faculty to our seminary annually.
The Newell Lectures in Biblical Studies brings a noted biblical scholar to the campus for a one-day or two-day lecture in his or her field of expertise. The Peace and Conflict Transformation (PACT) program brings nationally recognized speakers to campus for a lecture series that gives students and community members an opportunity to hear from those who have devoted their lives to educating others on matters of forgiveness and reconciliation as well as those who educate on injustice and oppression throughout the world.
Why AU?
- The Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry offers a 72 hour Master of Divinity degree, a Master of Arts in Christian Ministries, and a Master of Theological Studies (thesis and non-thesis tracks). All degree programs are offered online and onsite and are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
- Residential housing is available for students in the seminary’s degree programs. The housing is at York Seminary Village. This housing complex was constructed in 2006 and 2008.
Anderson University School of Theology is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, and the following degree programs are approved for both online and residential delivery:
- Master of Divinity
- Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
- Master of Theological Studies
Anderson University School of Theology is approved for a Comprehensive Distance Education Program.
The Commission contact information is:
The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
10 Summit Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Telephone: (412) 788-6505
Fax: (412) 788-6510
Additionally, the School of Theology has received accreditation of all its degrees from the Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association. Membership is also held in several other organizations devoted to quality education.
For more information on the Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association, phone (312) 263-0456.
Statement of Educational Effectiveness
The Anderson University School of Theology measures its educational effectiveness through evaluation of both academic and process outcomes. The following is a summary of that evaluation process.
The Financial Wholeness Project
The Lilly Endowment initiated program titled “The Theological School Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Ministers” provided an opportunity for all seminaries accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in North America to apply for funding to learn about and develop methods for addressing seminary student debt. The Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry was one of 67 seminaries funded through this grant.
The focus of the Anderson University grant, “The Financial Wholeness Project,” is to study its structure and relationship within the Church of God (Anderson), learn about its own students’ debt, educate students about debt behaviors and implications, and seek to develop funds to support student scholarships. This three-year $248,000 grant will help the School of Theology and Christian Ministry effectively address these areas of focus.
This section features information gleaned from our work on the project. We trust the material here will be useful not only to educators and administrators but also to prospective and current students and alumni as a resource for making appropriate financial decisions and managing educational debt. Our vision is that those called to serve might experience financial wholeness throughout their ministry.
For more detail, visit Grant Description and Outline [PDF].
Statement of Belief
We believe in one eternal, holy, and loving God who calls us to respond in faith. We, therefore, give the following testimony of our faith, realizing that for testimonies of faith to be Christian they must conform to God’s revelation in the Holy Scriptures. Although we can never put into a short document all that we are taught in the Bible, we do affirm the following.
God is revealed generally in the created order and in the human conscience. This Living God, however, has spoken specially to us in the covenantal story of the whole of Scripture and definitively in Jesus Christ.
We believe in, treasure, and cherish the Bible as the written Word of God, and hold that the sixty-six books of the Protestant biblical canon constitute the Holy Scriptures. We believe that both the Old and New Testaments are necessary for understanding God’s revelation in Scripture, both of which are to be interpreted in light of the revelation given to us in Jesus Christ. The Bible is inspired by God, and is fully authoritative and sufficient for Christian life and practice. We further believe that the Bible is historically reliable, and that its message is faithfully preserved in the textual tradition.
We rejoice that the biblical gospel is the good news of God’s love to our world!
We believe in one God in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — who created all things visible and invisible, and out of chaos created order. Our hearts are made glad that God is fully revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, who was born to the Virgin Mary through the agency of the Holy Spirit, and lived on earth as both fully human and fully divine. We are grateful that the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, convicts us of sin, leads us to and incorporates us into Christ, and empowers us for Christian witness.
We worship the one eternally triune God!
Sin and Salvation
We acknowledge that all have sinned, thus breaking our relationships with God, self, others and the whole created order, but give thanks for God’s salvation from sin.
We believe that through his exemplary life, sacrificial death, and bodily resurrection Jesus Christ is the only sufficient atonement for our sins. In keeping with the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, Jesus died on the cross and was raised for our salvation. He returned to the Father and there intercedes for us. God’s work of salvation is all by grace, not by our merits. We receive this great salvation when by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit we repent of our sin and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We hold that we are secure in our salvation so long as we remain faithful to Christ. We are grateful that the same power that raised Christ from the dead raises us from spiritual death, saving us from sin to follow Christ in this life and to live with him eternally.
We believe that it is God’s will for us to live in holiness. Indeed, it is God who makes us holy. We, however, are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God for the sake of God’s mission in the world. We understand the life of holiness to be wholehearted love for God and neighbor. Although we are never to seek suffering for the sake of suffering, we are convinced that holiness often is deepened through life’s inevitable sufferings. Furthermore, Christ invites us to participate in his sufferings in this fallen world.
We recognize with Scripture that Satan and demons exist as spiritual realities in opposition to God. But we are grateful that God has conquered all sin and evil, thereby giving us victory both now and forever.
Great is the salvation of our God!
The Kingdom of God
With gratitude, we believe that we experience the Reign of God as the presence, love, and power of God in our lives, in the church, in history, and in the whole created order, now and in the future consummation.
We believe that Jesus lived and proclaimed the Reign of God, a life of reconciliation and peacemaking in fulfillment of the Law and Prophets. Under the Reign of God, we are required to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.
We believe that God comes alongside the vulnerable and oppressed, and stands against every form of evil, even when found in the institutional church. As the people of God we, too, are called to make justice and to intervene when injustice occurs.
We anticipate the future consummation of the Reign of God, at the time of the one and only return of our Lord, who will carry out final judgment separating the righteous and the unrighteous.
“Even so, come Lord Jesus!”
The Church
We believe the church is the fellowship of the redeemed, the body of Christ, the people of God, chosen by God for mission in the world. At the beginning of time God created humankind to be partners in mission. However, humankind failed in this partnership. In the course of time, though, God chose Israel to bless all peoples. But in the fullness of time it was in Jesus Christ that God brought salvation for all people. And until the end of time God has chosen the church to be the body of Christ with the mission of making disciples. It is for this purpose that God continually reforms the church so that it will be conformed to the image of Christ.
We are grateful that in fulfillment of Jesus’ promise, God poured out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. We believe that the evidence of this outpouring is the personal holiness of God’s people and their empowerment for divine mission in the world. The Holy Spirit distributes a variety of spiritual gifts among all members of the church for accomplishing this mission.
We believe God calls all people to respond in faith to the Gospel of Jesus Christ whereby they become members of the universal church of God. With Christ as the head, this community is the body of Christ on earth. We understand each local congregation to be an expression of this universal church, and that it is God’s will for each believer to be a committed member of a local congregation.
In obedience to our Lord, we baptize believers by immersion as a sign of death to sin, resurrection to new life in Christ, and incorporation into the mission of the people of God. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper as participation in and proclamation of the death and resurrection of our Lord until he comes. We wash each other’s feet, following Jesus who assumed the role of servant by washing the feet of his disciples. We anoint with oil in the name of the Lord and pray that people may be healed.
We believe that all who repent and confess Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord are part of the church of God. We seek mutually enriching fellowship with all who share this personal faith. Aware of racial, cultural, and other diversity around the globe, we are committed to working for the visible unity of the one church that is rooted in biblical faith.
Our Lord empowers believers to do the work of ministry. Jesus instructed us to model our ministries and manner of leadership after his example of being a servant rather than seeking positions of power. We understand that it is the church’s responsibility, in response to God’s call, to appoint and equip gifted women and men to a variety of leadership responsibilities for building up the body of Christ.
We praise God for the privilege of participating in the life of the church!
Concluding Affirmation
In devotion to Christ as the head of the church, we desire to be a biblical people, a people who worship the triune God, a people transformed by the grace of God, a people of the Kingdom of God, a people committed to building up the one, universal church of God, and a people who in God’s love care for the whole world.
Constance L. Allbaugh
John H. Aukerman
Walter Froese
Juanita E. Leonard
James W. Lewis
David L. Neidert
Sharon I. Pearson
Barry L. Ross
David L. Sebastian
Fredrick H. Shively
Gilbert W. Stafford
Theodore A. Stoneberg
J. Dan Turner