2022-2023 Chapel Theme: Cultivate


The AU experience is unique. In your studies you will be equipped and prepared. In this community life long friendships and relationships will be established. And in all things you are surrounded by faithful followers of Jesus modeling, teaching, and challenging you to a life of faith in service. 

One of our distinctives as an institution is Chapel. Most schools don’t have an opportunity for the entire campus community to come together and fewer reflect the faith heritage with intentional programming to continue this legacy.

In my undergraduate experience here at AU I was given the freedom, tools, and encouragement to develop a faith of my own. Thankfully this was not an aberration, this is part of who we are. As I was wrestling with the big questions of faith I was surrounded by faculty, staff and fellow students who kept lovingly pointing me back to Jesus. 

This year, specifically in Chapel, our theme is Cultivate. Rooted in Hebrews 12:1-3 we desire to be a community that keeps pushing ahead as we follow Jesus individually and corporately.  My hope is that in Connecting with God, fostering Community, and seeking out Creative ways to worship we Cultivate Faith. 

This is who we are. The AU experience is unique, but it doesn’t just happen. Looking ahead and believing in this important work I am praying that no matter where a student finds themselves on the faith journey they will encounter Jesus of Nazareth and the Kingdom life made possible. Yes, programs such as Chapel will aid in this, but more so the work of the Spirit in faculty, staff and students calls us forward to faith. 

-Campus Pastor, Josh Tandy

Anderson University educates students for lives of faith and service, offering more than 50 undergraduate majors, 30 three-year degrees, 20 NCAA Division III intercollegiate sports, alongside adult and graduate programs. The private, liberal arts institution is fully accredited and recognized for excellence in business, computer science, cybersecurity, engineering, music, nursing, psychology, and teacher education programs. Established in 1917 in Anderson, Indiana, by the Church of God, the university remains committed to its Christ-centered mission.