Be a catalyst for positive change 

Psychology Degree

Explore AU’s psychology program, from counseling to research; a psychology degree opens doors to diverse career paths. Gain valuable experience in the classroom, then apply and practice what you are learning in real life. 

Tomorrow's difference makers are starting right here.

Dive deep into the human psyche. Turn your passion for helping and understanding others into a career.

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. It crosses many disciplines including biology, sociology, and religion. The psychology program at Anderson University prepares you to work with people.

By the time you graduate with your psychology degree, you will be prepared for graduate work in psychiatric social work, professional training in clinical or counseling psychology, working with families, personnel work in industry, pre-ministry, careers in the not-for-profit sector, working with handicapped individuals, and careers in teaching and research.

"While studying psychology as a student at Anderson University, I had the privilege of being an Interpersonal Trainer. I taught interpersonal and assertiveness skills to my peers in the classroom setting and to the community at conferences, schools, and workshops. I’m currently a therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado, working with adolescents in the area of depression, anxiety, trauma, and self-worth. I train my clients in interpersonal and assertiveness skills, daily utilizing the different techniques and role plays I learned and trained for at AU." —Michael Heckendorn BA ’12

Transform lives with empathy and insight.

Explore the science of the mind. Become a catalyst for positive change. Pursue a psychology degree and help shape a better world.


The psychology major is designed with self-discovery, faculty advising, classes, research, and real-world experiences. It is built to help you know who you are, what your strengths and talents are, and in what areas you can invest your life to make a difference in our world and the Kingdom of God.

    Program Options


    • Psychology (liberal arts emphasis): This major is for students not planning to attend graduate school in psychology.
    • Psychology (pre-professional emphasis): The pre-professional psychology major is a recommended sequence geared toward the student who is majoring in psychology and plans to attend graduate school in psychology.

    Complementary Major

    • The 26-hour complementary major in psychology combines courses in psychology and varying hours from a primary field.


    • The psychology minor (16 hours) requires general psychology and at least 6 hours from upper-division psychology courses. Students have the opportunity to be a part of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society for Psychology.
    • Caseworker
    • Child Development Specialist
    • Teacher or Professor
    • Criminal Investigator
    Double Major

    You can build your degree around the Anderson University psychology program and pair it with your other interests. Double majoring is common, here are some examples:

    • Christian Ministries
    • Dance
    • Exercise Science
    • Marketing
    • Youth Leadership Development
    "Along the way there were complications and challenges but I know that the preparation I have received from the department of psychology at Anderson University gave me the necessary skills to overcome all of those. I feel so privileged that the professors trusted and encouraged me throughout the process. I am also very honored to have witnessed the material of the class impacting people across the border and being a small part of that impact." —Denisse Bastida Ramirez BA ’18

    Meet our psychology faculty during your campus visit.

    The Anderson You

    You have unique interests and skills that set you apart. Explore the free My College Career Quiz to receive a personalized list of majors selected just for you. We’ve taken out the guessing work. Come find the Anderson you.

    “All the professors in the psychology program had their own unique impacts on me but one common theme was consistent through it all…they were all in my corner and I never lost their support. Through the exams, the projects, the late nights, they were always there to offer advice, criticism, and investment. All the qualities I knew that would help grow my education at AU. And a little PSA to all students at AU and incoming students…If you have the chance to take Interpersonal Relationships class, DO IT. I promise it will be uncomfortable and it will be unusual, but it will change your life. It taught me life skills I use every day and if you can fit it in your schedule, please do! It does not matter who you are, you will be changed and also see the change in others.” —Ben Belt BA ’17, Neighborhood Liaison at Children’s Bureau