DC Devotion: Psalm 27


Psalm 27 is the passage that the Lord used to direct me to attend Anderson University. It is because he spoke to me through it, “Why be afraid of where I am calling you to go?” This Psalm so beautifully tells us that God is our light, our salvation and the stronghold of our lives, so why would we be afraid?

What does it look like that God is our light? He is the very essence of our every day, he is what pours into us each morning, and what paints for us beautiful pictures as night falls. He is what we cannot see to do anything without. We need light for our eyes almost as we need breath for our lunges. Imagine if we lived our whole lives in the dark? We could not. God is as necessary to us and as providing to us as light.

What does it mean that God is our salvation? We think of Jesus Christ and the defeat of death on the cross that now allows us salvation from this bitter earth and our own sin and frees us into new life with him for all eternity. Salvation implies its inherent need; in order to have a salvation we have to be in need of being saved. God is our salvation because he rescued us from a place we could not have pulled ourselves out of on our own. Finally, God is the stronghold of our lives. What an incredibly strong statement that makes me, and I pray for you as well, feel ever so secure. Truly why would I be afraid of anything if I have the loving, majestic, wonderful God of the universe as the stronghold of my very life.

Kimberlee Moody

Anderson University is on a mission to educate students for lives of faith and service, offering more than 60 undergraduate majors, 30 three-year degrees, 20 NCAA Division III intercollegiate sports, alongside adult and graduate programs. The private, liberal arts institution is fully accredited and recognized among top colleges for its business, computer science, cybersecurity, dance, engineering, nursing, and teacher education programs. Anderson University was established in 1917 in Anderson, Indiana, by the Church of God.