Employee Training & Development

Employees at Anderson University have multiple opportunities for training and personal growth. As an employee, you may be eligible to take AU classes for credit, audit, or attend non-credit classes. AU offers remitted tuition benefits to eligible employees, spouses, and dependents. Review the Remitted Tuition benefits as described in the Benefits Handbook.
Online Training and On Campus Training Seminars
Throughout the academic year, the Office of Work Life Engagement, Library Services, Physical Plant Dept., the Kardatzke Wellness Center and other departments offer exercise classes, training seminars, informational seminars, safety workshops, and mandatory employment meetings.
We encourage employees and supervisors to make training a priority. Whether you are being introduced to a new subject matter or software or taking a refresher course, your time will be well spent.
New Professional Development and Growth Plans
One component of the new plans will be the option of participating in a professional development series using knowledge from within the campus community called R2R (Raven to Raven). Staff will get release time to participate in at least 4 out of 6 sessions each semester. Sessions will be announced soon. If you have an idea for a topic or a person to facilitate a session, please respond to this email.
Watch for emails to take advantage of training opportunities on campus!
Grow spiritually, physically, and relationally
Faculty and staff have a unique opportunity to get involved on campus with our wonderful students, faculty, and staff. You will be challenged to grow spiritually by joining Bible studies or taking classes on the Bible.
Get out of your comfort zone and learn about our athletic programs by volunteering to assist with sporting events. Share your pride in AU by volunteering at graduation, with social clubs, and other student activities.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend events on campus such as chapel, be a part of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day activities, Social Club activities, Homecoming, etc. There are several activities offered throughout the academic year by the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance to allow you to interact with visiting guests and student artists at gallery openings, special exhibits and attending recitals and performances.
Take advantage of our beautiful campus and Kardatzke Wellness Center to take walks, use fitness equipment, join water aerobic or other fitness classes to be the best you can be physically!