What should I major in?

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What career is right for me?

This career quiz is 25 questions. In just 5 minutes, it assesses a variety of your basic interests, talents, hobbies, and aspirations. This fun, simple quiz is designed to be a starting point for building your college career so that you can get the most out of it. At the end of the quiz, you will receive a curated list of programs to explore and some deeper insights about a specific career type based on your answers.

My Results

Our “8 Career Types” aren’t personality types and they aren’t black-and-white labels. We expect that you will connect with a few of them because humans are dynamic, and you are dynamic. The underlying theme behind each career type is they are all world-changers. Each career type makes a difference, serving the world from different angles.

You probably have some interests, talents, or hobbies that you don’t want to turn into a career and some that you didn’t realize that you could turn into a career. This quiz is a helpful framework to start considering the possibilities as you work toward your full potential and having your best college career.