2010-11 Faculty Accomplishments
(Listed in the order as received)
September 2010
Daniel Allen’s paper New Directions in the Study of Nation-Building: Views through the Lens of Path Dependence was published in the September 2010 International Studies Review.
David Murphy’s Fall Creek Massacre book was featured this summer in interviews on the radio show “Hoosier History Live” & will also be speaking about the book at Indiana University as well as several other venues in the coming months.
Frank Pianki earned an Ed.D. from Indiana University. He successfully defended his dissertation titled “A Study of Student Satisfaction on Part-Time, Non-traditional MBA Students” on April 19, 2010.
Jaye Rogers has been invited to speak at the 2011 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (aka the “Big Berks”, which meets every 3 years and has several thousand people attending. The big names in women’s history are very involved in this conference, so this is a great opportunity to get better known in the field and make good connections). The conference in 2011 will be held at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Jaye will be part of a three-person panel titled “New Women Across Generations: International Outreach and Race”. Her paper (still a working title!) is “Friendship in the Belgian Congo: Missionary Women Crossing the Color Barrier, 1894-1937”
Maria Scott has been nominated for a position on the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences’ (IASS) Board of Directors beginning on October 15, 2010.
Doug Seelbach and Fred Miller were certified as Health Fitness Specialists by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in May 2010.
Kevin Brown for the acceptance of his contribution to the 2011 International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. The Encyclopedia boasts to be the largest housing encyclopedia to date in the world, and the contributions are international in scope. Kevin’s particular section is called: “Welfare and Well-being” and undertakes an appraisal of 21st century housing ethics. The publication will be available in July 2011.
October 2010
Dulce Maria Scott has been appointed as Assistant Editor of the Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences & article was printed in the latest issue of this journal.
Dulce Maria Scott, Robert Mackoy and Roberto Curci, “Socio/Economic Ethnic Entrepreneurship Development Theories: An Analysis of Hispanic Business Enterprises in Central Indiana,” Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 13, 2009, pp. 97-111.
In March 2010, Randall Frieling performed at Carnegie Hall as the accompanist for the National Honors Choir, conducted by Anton Armstrong. He will be returning to Carnegie Hall in February 2011 to accompany the
National Honors Choir.
December 2010
Kevin Radaker has been invited to be one of the plenary speakers at the annual Teachers’ Conference in Beijing, China, in early October of 2011. Kevin will offer his full “C. S. Lewis” dramatic program, as well as 4-5 breakout workshops to various teacher groups at the conference. Approximately 240 teachers (grades 1-12) attend this annual conference. More than 95% of them are expatriates, and the entire conference is in English.
February 2011
Maria Scott is one of 20 scholars nationwide who were invited by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers to participate (all expenses paid) in a meeting in Washington, D.C., on Friday March 11, 2011. The purpose of the meeting is to brainstorm about how to increase partnerships and collaboration between academic communities in the U.S., Portugal, and Lusophone Africa. She has also been invited to deliver a paper at the 2nd International Conference of Anglo-Portuguese Studies (at the Lisbon headquarters of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 18-20 of April, 2011).
Joel Shrock has been named incoming President of the Indiana Association of Historians for the 2011 – 2012 year.
David Murphy’s article “Prussian Aims for the Zollverein, 1828 – 1834” has been included in Frederick C. Schneid, ed., European Politics, 1815 – 1848 (London: Ashgate, 2011).
March 2011
Debbi Brock was presented with an award at the Ashoka U conference for “Distinguished Service to the Field of Social Entrepreneurship Education.”
Kevin Rudynski recently led a printmaking workshop at Indiana University at South Bend on March 3rd & 4th as a part of IUSB’s 20th Anniversary Arts Celebration Aspire Event.
April 2011
Scott Borders recently returned from the College English Association’s (CEA) annual conference in St. Petersburg, Florida where about 600 scholar/teachers gathered to share papers on research into criticism and pedagogy in the fields of literature and composition. Scott has moved into the position of First Vice-President and Program Chair and will put together next year’s conference in Richmond, Virginia, March 29-31, 2012. Following that, he will move into the position of President.
Deborah Miller Fox is serving on a panel of judges for the Indiana Arts Commission’s “Individual Artist Grant” Program. This program awards grants of up to $2,000 to individual artists in the performing and individual arts for projects that have direct benefit for the individual artist’s career and members of the Indiana communicates in which these artists live.
David Murphy invited as keynote speaker at The 25th Annual Roger D. Branigin Lecture at Franklin College on April 20, 2011. The title of his address was Property, Principle and the rule of Law: Lessons from the Fall Creek Massacre.
Karen Williams has been asked to participate in the “New Dean Mentoring Program” of the American Association of Colleges in Nursing as a mentor for a dean.
Elizabeth Imafuji presented “Classical Rhetoric’s Foretelling of Modern Attitudes to Basic Writing” at the College English Association conference.
John Millis spoke at the Indiana Space Grant Consortium (a division of NASA) Conference in Indianapolis April 11, 2011 on Anderson University’s STEM programs and establishing collaborative research efforts with colleagues from Ball State University and Valparaiso University.