DC Devotion: Psalm 127


The first verse of Psalm 127 can be so relatable when you are working in a ministry in any way. As builders build houses and guards stand watch, your purpose in being a leader is meaningless unless your heart is in and you are truly serving for God’s glory. As you read over the verses consider where your intentions for serving are coming from. Are you doing acts of goodness to make yourself feel good or to make others around you see you in a positive light? Jesus isn’t worried about your status or how many people you get to show up to your meetings. He wants your heart and a deep, intimate relationship with you and that is what will bear much fruit. 

The second verse of this Psalm also proclaims that the Lord grants rest to those he loves. It can be stressful and hard to feel that your words and actions serving others are make or break moments in people’s faith. You may be staying up late and stressing over what message to teach this week, but take peace in knowing that the Holy Spirit will work through you and give you the right words to say. By being vulnerable about your own struggles and how God has been working in your life lately is the greatest testimony you can use. Best-selling author, preacher, and teacher Francis Chan simply put it like this, “A disciple is a disciple maker.”

Hannah Burscott poses with her family.

Anderson University educates students for lives of faith and service, offering more than 50 undergraduate majors, 30 three-year degrees, 20 NCAA Division III intercollegiate sports, alongside adult and graduate programs. The private, liberal arts institution is fully accredited and recognized for excellence in business, computer science, cybersecurity, engineering, music, nursing, psychology, and teacher education programs. Established in 1917 in Anderson, Indiana, by the Church of God, the university remains committed to its Christ-centered mission.