Anderson University
Counseling Services
College life can become overwhelming at times due to daily pressures, life situations, or a crisis. Counseling Services is here to provide students the opportunity to pursue healing, growth, support, and wholeness within a Christian context while remaining respectful of the variety of backgrounds and paradigms of our students.
At Counseling Services you can find caring, professional, and confidential support when you need it. We offer assessment, individual & family counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention & counseling, referral & advocacy, and training & consultation.
These services are free to current students and sessions are strictly confidential.

Contact Us
(765) 641-4203
Office Hours
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday
(closed during Chapel 11 a.m. – noon Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Morrison House
(in front of Myers Hall on College Avenue across from the Valley)
After-hours Emergency
RD on Call at (765) 641-3003
AU Police & Security Services at (765) 641-3333 or ext. 3333
For local emergency assistance call 911
USA National Suicide Hotlines
1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-825
Learn More
What is AU’s Counseling Services mission?
AU Counseling Services exists to help students achieve physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational health so they may attain the highest personal growth and intellectual success. We embrace a student- oriented philosophy that is respectful of diversity and is committed to the development of the student as a whole.
What is Counseling Services’ approach to counseling?
The Counseling Services’ Christ-centered staff takes a holistic developmental approach to counseling and the concerns the clients express. Our center seeks to integrate Biblical truth and psychological principles. We believe counseling is essentially a “partnership” or relationship that is formed between the student and the counselor. This counseling relationship allows for a collaborative team approach within a caring and nurturing environment where goals will be identified to move you towards feeling better and completing the tasks that are necessary to accomplish your treatment goals.
Who comes to Counseling Services?
AU students may seek Counseling Services for a variety of reasons. Often-times individuals will report feeling “stuck” as they try to work through a personal problem. Those who come to the office of Counseling Services are students who want to grow and learn more about themselves, their relationships with others, and their relationship with God. Although there are many issues that bring students into counseling, some of the common issues include depression, anxiety, problems transitioning into college life, stress, homesickness, relationship problems, family issues, eating disorders or concerns, poor self-image, substance abuse, addictions, sexual abuse, identity issues, sexuality, spirituality and faith issues ,trauma, social skills training, academic stress or struggles, or concerns with friends and family.
Choose a topic below for more information, videos, and helpful resources.