Anderson University
Health Services
Medical services, right here on campus.
Anderson University Health Services is committed to providing free comprehensive services to all students. Health Services also serves all AU faculty and staff.
Health Services offers immediate care, health counseling, referrals, and wellness education. Care and resources are provided free to all AU students (undergraduate and graduate) in partnership with Community Hospital Anderson, and all Health Services staff members are trained specialists from the Community Health Network.
Services are offered by appointment only.

services offered
Regular services include:
- Provide ambulatory care, emergency services, and/or referrals for diagnostic procedures such as laboratory tests and X-rays.
- Assist with the coordination of health counseling and mental health services on campus.
- Provide illness prevention through health education and wellness promotion. Health Services and Counseling Services work together closely to support physical and emotional wellness.
In addition to treatment for common illnesses and accidents, other services offered include:
- Monitoring ongoing health concerns such as but not limited to blood pressure, blood sugar and weight.
- Medications for common illnesses are available at no cost. Prescriptions may also be written if the condition warrants.
- Mono, influenza, strep, blood sugar, and urinalysis are provided on-site at no cost.
- Tuberculin skin tests are available with a $5 fee (credit or debit card only). Health Services staff administers TB skin tests on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday during regular hours. It is then necessary for the student to return to Health Services in 48-72 hours to have the test read.
- Influenza vaccinations are available during an on-campus clinic each fall.
If you have a chronic condition for which you need regular medical care, we would encourage you to maintain follow-up with your primary physician. Health Services is willing to work alongside your primary physician as needed.
If you wish to see a physician outside the hours of Health Services or require X-rays/laboratory procedures, we recommend you visit one of the following locations. Health Services staff will be happy to supply you with the necessary requisitions should those services be required. Please note that students are responsible for payment for services rendered outside of Health Services, so make sure to take your insurance card and be prepared to pay at the time of services.
Community Hospital
1515 N. Madison Avenue
(765) 298-4242
MedCheck at the Community Health Pavilion
3125 S. Scatterfield Rd.
Anderson IN, 46013
(765) 298-4790
9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Daily
Contact Information
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed during chapel and holidays.
Phone: (765) 641-4222
307 Cottage Ave
(Behind Myers Hall)
Entrance Health Requirements
All undergraduate students entering Anderson University are required to submit an up-to-date copy of Immunization Records via the online Report of Health History form to the Division of Student Life by Aug. 1. Health requirements for students at Anderson University exist primarily to protect students from diseases, which are infectious, and to secure medical information concerning students should they need assistance from the Health Services Department. This information is strictly for the use of Anderson University Health Services and will not be released without your knowledge or consent. [View Privacy Practice]
All students are encouraged to carry health and renter’s insurance. International students are required to carry approved health insurance. Contact your current healthcare provider to determine coverage age and/or location. An Internet search will provide many options for student health insurance coverage.
Food Allergies
Students with food allergies should review the Anderson University Food Allergy Policy, and self-report his/her food allergy/allergies to the Director of Dining Services, AU Food Services, by July 15 each year.
Contact Blake Milakis regarding food allergies:
Director of Dining Services
(765) 641-4262
Resources: Forms, Records, Insurance
- Anderson University Food Allergy Policy [PDF]
- Immunization Waiver [PDF]
- Medical Record Release Authorization Form [PDF]
- Meningococcal Information [PDF]
- Notice of Medical Privacy Practices [PDF]
- Report of Health History [Online Form]
- Influenza Information
Required forms should be returned to the Division of Student Life via email, mail, or fax:
1100 E. 5th St.
Anderson, IN 46012
Fax: (765) 641-3880
Medical Records and Privacy
Your record will not be released to anyone, including your parents, without your permission. If you need your records, Health Services staff will provide them only after you sign a release authorization. [Medical Record Release Authorization Form]
As of April 14, 2003, federal law provides privacy protections for your medical records. [Privacy Practices]
The Health Center follows the law with regard to the retention of old records.
About Health Insurance
Anderson University expects that all students have medical insurance to help pay unanticipated medical expenses. Many students may remain on family medical insurance policies but for those that do not, the purchase of an individual insurance plan is necessary. International students are expected to have adequate medical coverage as a condition of their enrollment at Anderson University.
The following information is provided to assist students and families decide what, if any, medical insurance coverage is appropriate. These medical services and insurance coverage are provided by Anderson University for eligible students:
- Student Health Services provides comprehensive health services to students including immediate care, health counseling, referrals, and wellness education.
- Insurance for Student Athletes is provided by Anderson University in the event of an intercollegiate sports-related injury. The Athletic Training staff is available to assist in the filing student-athlete insurance claims. Detailed information may be found on the Athletics website.
For medical services beyond what is provided by Anderson University, most students remain covered by a parent’s medical plan. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly referred to as Health Care Reform, dependents may continue coverage under a family plan until age 26. Group plans are required to extend coverage regardless of the dependent, student or marital status of a child. Families are encouraged to check with their health insurance plan or employer to elect or verify the continuation of group coverage.
Students without access to a group or family medical plan are required to have medical coverage under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Individual medical plan options are available by accessing the Health Care Marketplace website for the student’s state of residence. To obtain more information about the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace visit
Seminary Students may consider the individual insurance plans offered by GuideStone, a company providing a range of financial services for the evangelical Christian community.
International students are required to purchase or show proof of insurance that meets Anderson University guidelines. International students without acceptable insurance will be directed to the International Student Organization website to purchase insurance coverage.
Kayla Newby, N.P.
Nurse Practitioner
Kayla graduated from IPFW (Indiana University – Purdue University Ft. Wayne) with her undergraduate nursing degree and Ball State University with her Master’s degree. (Family Nurse Practitioner). She is married to Zach Newby; they have two children, Noah and Laken. Kayla grew up in the Anderson area and she and her family currently reside in Anderson. Previously, Kayla worked in family practice with Community Health Network in Anderson. Kayla loves all things outdoors, gardening, biking, basketball, baseball, and has a passion for preventative health care. She is so excited to be connected with the community through Anderson University.
Wendy Shannon, N.P.
Nurse Practitioner
Wendy brings extensive experience from her diverse nursing career, which includes: medical-surgical, oncology, education, long-term care, psychiatric nursing, and progressive critical care. She loves the versatility of the nursing profession and looks forward to the future changes in nursing that will create the opportunity to do and learn in the current and future health care arena. She is happy to be a part of Community Health Network and Anderson University and enjoys working in the Anderson/Madison County region. Wendy is married with a daughter at home. Wendy & her family are dog lovers and the dogs that jointly own the family are; 3 large American bulldogs, a springer, and a miniature schnauzer. All are members of the terrier dog family. The animals provide wonderful company and serve as siblings to her daughter in the absence of her adult brothers and sisters.