2012-13 Faculty Accomplishments
(Listed in the order as received)
June 2012
Rick Sowers has been elected as the new President-Elect for the Indiana Choral Directors Association, the state affiliate of ACDA.
Carrie Clay has been selected by the Indiana American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese as the Spanish Professor of the Year in the university category.
Joani Brandon has been invited to be a charter member of a new association being formed by John Feierabend, chair of the music education area at Hartt School of Music in Hartford, Connecticut. This new association will formalize his method as well as establish a national organization.
Kent Saunders received the 2012 CBFA Chewning Award during the June closing banquet of the Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA) conference at Trinity Western University in Vancouver. This is the highest honor given annually to a business faculty member active in the Christian Business Faculty Association. The Falls School of Business holds the distinction of being the only university with three recipients of this award since its inception. Ken Armstrong received the award in 2002, Doyle Lucas in 2009, and now Kent Saunders in 2012.
Kevin Radaker delivered a dramatic portrayal of Thoreau on June 28 at the public library in Keene, New Hampshire, and on July 5 at the public library in Northfield, Ohio.
July 2012
On July 14, Kevin Radaker delivered a paper entitled “Thoreau’s Legacy according to my Audiences over the Years” at the International Annual Gathering of the Thoreau Society in Concord, Massachusetts.
Leroy Quashie passed the National Council on Family Relations Certified Family Life Educator’s exam in July, 2012.
On July 27, Lolly Bargerstock-Oyler presented at Western Michigan University Interdisplinary Health Sciences PhD Research Conference. The presentation was entitled “Inter-religious Attitudes of Undergraduate Social Work Students as Related to Perception of Spiritual Competence of Academic Program.”
August 2012
Joani Brandon attended the organizational meeting of the Feierabend Association for Music Education (FAME). The organizational meeting was a gathering of twenty invited teachers and leaders and included planning for an initial conference in 2014 and officers. Joani will have a two-year term as president elect (2012-2014) followed by a term as president (2014-2016), then as past president.
This summer, faculty of the School of Nursing including Ken Osborne, Lynn Schmidt, Sarah Neal, Denise Thompson, and Shelly Cary ran the Warrior Dash with several AU students. The group conquered obstacles, jumped fire, and crawled through the mud to the finish line.
Jason Pierce, edited The Pediatric Nursing Certification Review Course, published by the Emergency Nurses Association and Elsevier.
Kevin Brown presented a paper at the 2012 “Economics and Ethics” Conference at the University of Glasgow hosted by the Association for Social Economics and completed a book review for Journal of Political Theology on their blog: http://www.politicaltheology.com/blog/markets-morals-helpful-perspective-michael-sandel/
Larry Seibert shares the following three accomplishments over the summer months: 1) article published Seibert, L.J. (2012, June/July) It’s time to de-average satisfaction ratings. VSAE Association Press, pp. 6-7. 2) Presented “Using Voice-of-the-Member Surveys to Increase Member Recruitment and Retention” at the Annual Convention of the Indiana Society of Association Executives on July 19th in Muncie. 3) Attended the Annual Convention of the American Society of Association Executives on August 11-13 in Dallas, TX.
September 2012
Becky Hull, Donna Albrecht, Amber Reed and Katy Sample gave presentations at the Making Connections Early Childhood Providers Conference on Saturday, Sept. 15th at Anderson Christian School.
David Murphy’s most recent book, Murder in Their Hearts: The Fall Creek Massacre has been issued in an e-book format by the Indiana Historical Society.
Dulce Maria Scott presented two papers at the VII Congress of Portuguese Sociology, Portugal. Her participation was funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation. Paper titles: 1) “The Incorporation of Portuguese Americans into the Political System of Rhode Island: How did they do it?” 2) “Portuguese Communities in USA (P-NB-FR-RI-MA) and Canada (Toronto): A comparative demographic and socioeconomic profile.” (With Carlos Teixeira, Canada)
John Millis was awarded a $11,500 grant from NASA/INSGC for my proposal: Analysis of Gamma-ray Emission from Supernova Remnants, and Next-Generation Detector Development. He also appeared as a radio show guest for the following five stations: 1) WDUN AM 550 Radio (Northern Georgia) Topic: Neil Armstrong 2) KWRE/KFAV Radio – St Louis, MO Topic: Neal Armstrong/Mars rover 3) KMOX Radio (St. Louis) Topic: Neil Armstrong 4) WDUN AM 550 Radio (Northern Georgia) Topic: Mars landing 5) WFLA AM Tampa Bay Topic: Mars Landing
This past summer, Gert Kumi was invited to perform as a soloist at the Shenyang Conservatory of Music in China, which is among the nine major Conservatories in China. In addition to the performance, he gave three master classes for students at the Conservatory and at the High School for Performing Arts in Shenyang.
Greg Kaufinger, the newest faculty member in the Falls School of Business, has successfully defended his doctoral dissertation and is now Dr. Kaufinger. Dissertation title: “Earnings Management Motivations in Gift Card Breakage Recognition Decisions.”
October 2012
Jill Merle’s paper: “An Examination of the relationship between board characteristics and capital adequacy risk taking at bank holding companies” has been accepted for participation in the Allied Academies International Conference in the area of Banking Studies. All of the conference submissions are blind peer reviewed prior to acceptance. It is under review for inclusion in the Journal of Banking Studies.
Larry Seibert reported one new publication: Seibert, L.J. (2012, September/October). Who or what influenced your members to join? Source (Florida Society of Association Executives). p. 10.
October 14 and 15, Kevin Radaker was Guest Performing Artist as C. S. Lewis at Houghton College in western New York.
Dulce Maria Scott presented two papers: 1) “Luso-American Political Integration in Massachusetts and Rhode Island: A Comparative Analysis.” II International Congress. Emigration and Exile in the United States of America: Galician and Azorean Experiences. San Simon Island, Galicia, Spain, October 18-19, 2012. Her participation was funded by the Luso American Development Foundation. 2) “Partisan and non-partisan electoral systems and immigrant political integration: A historical overview of the incorporation of Portuguese Americans into the political systems of Rhode Island and Massachusetts.” The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, October 12, 2012. Dulce Maria was also Associate Editor of the JIASS Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume 15 (2012)
Elizabeth Imafuji published “A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Activity Theory in SIGDOC Proceedings 2001-2011” in Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, October 2012.
November 2012
Michele Murray, Mark Murray, Mary Kathryn Brewer, Becky Chappell, and John Huntoon performed during a faculty recital on October 25 in York Performance Hall on the AU campus.
- Maria Scott, Chapter Publication: “The Education of Luso-Descendants: Theory, Data, and Recommendations.” In Human Rights and Quality of In the Portuguese Speaking Communities in the U.S. and Canada. Proceedings from an International Symposium, Cambridge, MA, USA, November 9 through 10, 2011. Published by the Government of the Azores, Portugal.
Diana Jones presented with a group of physical education teaching students a session called “Story Books In Motion” at the IAHPERD (Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) regional workshop at Purdue University. Students were Cory Criswell, Zach Foley, Drew Enderle, Julia Seitz, Brandon Brown, Ricky Peters and Carina Pena.
John Millis gave an invited Colloquium at IPFW on The Future of High Energy Astrophysics. He was also named Vice President for Content Management for redOrbit.com, a news and reference site for Science, Technology and Health. In addition to being a general contributor (writer) for the site, John oversees all science and technology related content and is in charge of improving site quality and developing new content strategies. John also attended the annual Indiana Astrophysics Meeting (IAM) and was appointed chair of the organizing committee for the IAM.
Elizabeth Imafuji presented “The Role of Imprisonment and Post-Prison Social Status in the Renaissance Rhetorical Treatises of Thomas Wilson and Margaret Fell” at the Indiana College English Association annual conference, which was held at the Ivy Tech Valparaiso campus on October 26.
February 2013
Laura Stull’s recent publication; Stull, L., McGrew, J., Salyers, M., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (in press). Implicit and explicit stigma of mental illness: Attitudes in an evidence-based practice. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Larry Seibert’s article, “Who or What Influenced Your Members to Join?” was published in the September/October 2012 issue of Source, the bimonthly publication of the Florida Society of Association Executives.
Sheridan Rayl has been named as the Volunteer Chair for an upcoming regional conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), October 29 -31, 2014, in which a potential of 3,000+ mathematics teachers of surrounding states along with speakers from across the states will be attending.
March 2013
Melanie Peddicord was appointed by the Indiana CPA Society Board of Directors to serve on its Ethics Committee for the July 2012 – June 2013 term. The mission of the Ethics Committee is “to promote the ethical practice of the CPA profession through educational and enforcement activities”. Melanie was also elected to serve on the 2013 Board of Directors for Bethany Christian Services in Indianapolis. Bethany’s mission is to “demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families through quality social services”. Melanie and her husband adopted their youngest son from Korea in 2011 through Bethany’s international adoption program.
Christopher Holmes successfully defended his PhD (Musicology) dissertation on February 28, 2013 at Indiana University.
Susan Taylor served as the Guest Conductor for the Maryland All-State Junior Band, February 21-23, in Baltimore, MD. The band consisted of 96 outstanding musicians in grades 7-9. The concert was held on the campus of Morgan State University.
Three of our historians were elected to offices with the Indiana Association of Historians at the 2013 annual conference: David Murphy, President; Jaye Rogers, Secretary; Joel Shrock, Membership Secretary.
Donna Albrecht presented at the Indiana TESOL (INTESOL) Conference. The title of the presentation was: Best K‐12 & University Collaboration: Training for the Co‐Teaching Model.
Dulce Maria Scott Co-edited and produced Volume 1 (online and in print) of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS) http://portuguese-diaspora-studies.com/index.php/ijpds/issue/current
April 2013
Brandy Grayson presented at the Renaissance Society of America Conference in San Diego (April 4-6). Her topic was “Prodigal Sons and their Jesuits: The Production of Moral Authority on the Early Modern Spanish Stage”.
Marian Osborne Berky presented an invited paper entitled “No Jesus, No Peace? Reflections on Peace Education in a Self-Identified ‘Christian’ University” at the Benjamin Cohen Peace Conference at Ball State University on April 6, 2013.
On April 12, Deidra Colvin successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Dr. Tom Buckles (Azusa Pacific), as chair. The dissertation is entitled: Effect of Social Media as Measured by the Dispersion of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on the Sales Success of Experience Goods: An Empirical Study of Kindle Book Sales.