From curiosity to impact

Engineering Program

At Anderson University, you’ll be taught and graded by qualified engineering faculty, rather than graduate assistants. Our faculty come to your competitions, invite you into their homes, know your name, and ask you about your projects and your goals. Our engineering students don’t hesitate to utilize faculty office hours to discuss issues in or out of the classroom. That’s Anderson engineering!

The Facts

  • 100% placement rate for 2022 and 2023 engineering graduates within six months.
  • 90% passage rate on the 2024 Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.
  • 2023 grads average starting salary $73,166 (talk about return on investment!)
  • Our students have accepted jobs and internships at Engineering Ministries International, Caterpillar, John Deere, General Motors, Honeywell, RTX, Cummins, Honda, Salesforce, SMC, and more!


Engineers are problem solvers and designers. Engineering disciplines differ in the types of problems they attempt to solve.

Civil Engineers

Solve problems related to the design of public infrastructure like dams, roads, and bridges.

Electrical Engineers

Solve problems for electronic systems, power systems, control, telecommunications, and more

Mechanical Engineers

Solve problems related to thermal and mechanical systems to design machines and other tools

Computer Engineers

Solve problems related to computing hardware and software, including analog and digital electronics

Humanitarian Engineers

Use engineering problem-solving to improve the physical circumstances of those in need.

Mechatronics Engineers

Solve problems that involve the combination of mechanical, electrical, and software systems for applications like robotics and automation.


The Computer Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s)and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.
The Electrical Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s)and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

The Mechanical Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET

Tomorrow's engineers are starting right here.

Day 1 vs. Day 600 — which sounds better?

Our engineering students can utilize the facilities, equipment, and tools in the AU Engineering Center starting day one. We don’t make you wait years or even months into your college career, as at many other schools before you can start innovating, building, and testing as an engineer.

In fact, during business hours, the Engineering Center test and fabrication spaces always have a faculty member or student worker present to assist you in learning to use our additive and subtractive manufacturing tools. If you want to learn more about our Cybersecurity Engineering Lab (CEL), “Baxter,” our two-armed robot, the playfields to build and test robots in the electronics lab, 3-D printers, woodworking tools, and more, then feel free to explore our facilities.


Our program is uniquely designed so that all engineering majors go through a common core of coursework during their first two years, developing a strong cohort and foundational understanding before breaking out into each program specialty. This also means that if you’re halfway through the program and realize you want to be a different type of engineer, you don’t have to start over, as you might at other schools. We’ve got you covered with a smooth transition.


  • In March of 2024, a group of 12 engineering students and 2 engineering faculty from Anderson University traveled to Misahaullí, Ecuador to partner with Jungle Kids for Christ on their Antioch Christian Academy campus to develop a backup water supply system through the AU Study, Serve, Share (Tri-S Global) program.
  • In 2022-23, students worked on two projects with Basic Utility Vehicle, a local company which produces low-cost vehicles for missionaries to use to facilitate Business-As-Mission
  • Working in collaboration with our Campus Activities Board (CAB), the Engineering Club built and maintains an AU Ninja Warrior course for annual student competitions.
  • Students design and validate small autonomous robots from scratch in the Mechatronics System Design course.


Students wanting to focus on research, or wanting to spend their time at AU preparing for graduate school, can elect to do individual and group research with faculty.

  • During AU’s annual Scholars Day, engineers can showcase their research and hone their research presentation skills. This is a public event where 50-60 students are selected to present their research in a convention-style setting, each with their own booth.
  • Students working with faculty can publish and present their work through the IL-IN Section American Society for Engineering Education conference.


As our students and faculty work together to build new technology, and as it is developed and tested, we seek competition opportunities for our students. Recent competitions have included the evGrand Prix and Solar Car team races. In its first year competing, AU students won the 2019 Autonomous Division of the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. They didn’t just win, they dominated the competition. Their fastest lap time was 22% faster than Purdue University’s (second place) time and 59% faster than Kennesaw State University’s time (third place).


  • The Engineering Club connects students at Anderson University of different majors, backgrounds, interests, and skill sets. It offers activities such as guest speakers, service projects, field trips, and training opportunities in technical skills.
  • The official Society of Women Engineers Section focuses on professional development, including resume workshops, networking events, and mock interviews. They also attend the yearly Women in Engineering Conference, allowing members to connect with employers, mentors, and other engineering students.

Meet our engineering faculty during your campus visit.

The Anderson You

You have unique interests and skills that set you apart. Explore the free My College Career Quiz to receive a personalized list of majors selected just for you. We’ve taken out the guessing work. Come find the Anderson you.