Anderson University

Swimming Lessons

Sign up for swim lessons begins Feb. 3
Monday and Wednesday lessons are $75 for first child and $65 for each additional child. Parent tot class $65. AU faculty and staff is $55 per child. 

Mon. night classes: March 10 – April 14
6:15 p.m. – 6:50 p.m.  Parent Tot, Level 1, Level 2
6:55 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.  Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
7:35 p.m. – 8:10 p.m.  Level 1, Level 3, Level 4
Wed. night classes: March 12 – April 16
6:15 p.m. – 6:50 p.m.  Parent-Tot, Level 1, Level 2
6:55 p.m. –  7:30 p.m.  Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
7:35 p.m. – 8:10 p.m.  Level 2, Level 4, Level 5/6
Sign ups for lessons will begin Feb. 3 online. You will sign up for either Monday lessons or Wednesday lessons. Do not sign up for both.
Thanks for swimming with us,
Coach Nathan Manley and Jim Scott

Business student at Anderson University
Expected skills at the end of each level
This should help you determine what level is best for your child. After the first class, we can move your child to a different level if their skills deem it appropriate.

  • Parent/Tot: ages 6 months to 3 years
  • Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills
  • Level 2: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
  • Level 3: Stroke Development
  • Level 4: Stroke Improvement
  • Level 5: Stroke Refinement
  • Level 6: Personal Water Safety
After Level 1, your child can:
  • Enter independently, using either the ramp, steps or side, travel at least 5 yards, bob 5 times, then safely exit the water (Participants can walk, move along the gutter or “swim.”)
  • Glide on front at least 2 body lengths, roll to a back floats for 5 seconds, then recover to a vertical position. (This part of the assessment can be performed with assistance.)
After Level 2, your child can:
  • Step from the side into the chest-deep water, push off the bottom, move into a treading or floating position for at least 15 seconds, swim on front and/or back for 5 body lengths, then exit the water
  • Move into a back float for 15 seconds, roll to front, then recover to a vertical position.
  • Push off and swim using combined arm and leg actions on front for 5 body lengths, roll to back, float for 15 seconds, roll to front, continue swimming for 5 body lengths.
After Level 3, your child can:
  • Jump into deep water from the side, recover to the surface, maintain position by treading or floating for 1 minute, rotate one full turn, then turn as needed to orient to the exit point, level off, swim front crawl and/or elementary backstroke for 25 yards, then exit the water.
  • Push off in a streamlined position, then swim front crawl for 15 yards, change position and direction as needed, swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards, then exit the water.
After Level 4, your child can:
  • Perform a feetfirst entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as needed and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
  • Swim backstroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as needed and swim back crawl for 15 yards.
  • Submerge and swim a distance of 3-5 body lengths underwater without hyperventilating, return to the surface, then exit the water.
After Level 5, your child can:
  • Perform a shallow-angle dive into deep water at least 9 feet deep, swim front crawl for 50 yards, then swim elementary backstroke for 50 yards using appropriate and efficient turning styles throughout.
  • Swim breaststroke for 25 yards, change direction of travel as needed and then swim back crawl for 25 yards using appropriate and efficient turning styles throughout.