The intramural (IM) program at AU exists in order to develop a balanced and Christ-like character in the lives of students and to strengthen the university community through competition, team building, and involvement. IM sports at AU are coordinated by the Student Activities office within the Department of Student Life.
As a nationally recognized, top 25 Intramural program, AU IM’s offer 16 unique sports and four tournaments throughout the year. Most of these offerings cater to both the ultra-competitive and the laid back so everyone can enjoy sports with friends. And, of course, our champions get a coveted IM Champs t-shirt!
- AU Scholar’s Fair
- First Generation Students
- Student Government Association
- Welcome Weekend
- First Year Success
- Student Leadership
- Counseling Services
- Tri-S
- Commuters/Off-Campus
- Health Services
- AU Campus Store
- Campus Dining
- Center for Intercultural Engagement
- Diversity at AU
- Intramurals
- Campus Activities Board (CAB)
- Residence Life
- New Students
- Student Success
- Student Handbook
Rules & Regulations
Intramurals Registration
All Intramural participants must register online through IMleagues.
You must set up an account by registering and be sure to choose Anderson (IN) as your school. By registering through the AU at IMleagues, you will be releasing liability for your play for the entirety of your time at AU. At the time of registration, you will also pay the $10 fee, which gives you access to all IM sports for that school year.
Note: Though your initial registration signs your waiver release, you will still have to pay a one-time $10 fee for every school year you wish you participate in IM’s.
Eligibility – The IM office does not assume responsibility for the eligibility of individual participants. It is the expectation of IM programs that members of this community will assume the responsibility for their own eligibility in an honest and forthright manner. Any team that allows a person to participate who does not meet the eligibility requirements will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player(s) participate.
Students – All student participants (grad/undergrad) must be enrolled (full or part-time) at Anderson University and have paid the entry fee.
Faculty & Staff – All participants must be employed by Anderson University and have paid the entry fee. Please note that faculty and staff participants are subject to the same rules, policies, and procedures as all other participants. Spouses and children of faculty and staff may also participate.
Intercollegiate Athletes – “In-Season” intercollegiate athletes are restricted from participating in their sports. “Off-Season” athletes are allowed to participate as individuals and groups up to two (2) per team. This applies to any individual listed on an intercollegiate team roster during the current academic year.
Participation in the IM program is completely voluntary. Injuries and their resulting costs are the responsibility of each individual participant. Each participant is encouraged to carry personal health and accident insurance.
Game Locations
The location of games will be listed in the season schedules. Schedules will be available at captain’s meetings prior to the beginning of each season.
Outdoor Seasons (seasons 1 & 4) – IM fields (adjacent to soccer fields)
Indoor Seasons (seasons 2 & 3) – AU Wellness Center
Free Agents
If you are unable to get on a team or put together your own, then register in the Student Activities office as a free agent. The IM staff will contact you if placement on a team is successful. You may also sign up as a free agent through IMleagues after you’ve successfully created a personal account.
Members of championship teams in all activities receive IM Champion t-shirts. One shirt will be awarded to each individual on the roster. Sportsmanship team awards given each season.
Intramural Programs at AU exist to contribute to the development of a distinctly Christian community and persons of character. As such, the behavior of all parties involved should reflect this purpose. Every individual is completely responsible for his/her behavior in regard to language, attitude, and general misconduct. IM staff members are empowered to remove participants, coaches, and spectators from any program if they display inappropriate behavior or interfere with the official’s ability to perform necessary duties.
Participants displaying poor sportsmanship, attitude, or general misconduct may be penalized and/or ejected. Use of profanity and/or derogatory comments toward others will result in immediate ejection. All discipline issues will be dealt with by the Coordinator for Student Engagement.
Any player, coach, or fan that is ejected must leave the playing area immediately or his/her team will forfeit the game. Suspensions will begin when the meeting with the Coordinator for Student Engagement occurs, not at the time of the ejection/altercation. It is the responsibility of the ejected participant to set up a meeting time with the Coordinator for Student Engagement. Until this meeting takes place, the offending participant is considered an ineligible player and is not allowed to participate in ANY intramural events. This includes games that he/she may have in other sports or divisions, the same night as the ejection. Suspended individuals are ineligible to play in ANY intramural activity until their suspension has ended.
New Sports
Any individual or group that would like to see a new intramural sport must present a request to the Coordinator for Student Engagement. The IM staff will review the request and its potential as a new sport.
Referees are required for almost all IM sports. Interested students should inquire with the Human Resources office for available officiating positions. Download a PDF of Intramural Referee Application.
Gameplay Rules
Download the PDF below for more information on each intramural sport.