Creating Memorable Experiences

Campus Activities Board (CAB)

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) provides a variety of programs to enhance the academic and social atmosphere on campus through interaction among students, faculty, and staff.

CAB seeks to develop, implement, organize, and evaluate events as well as offering publicity opportunities and other resources to support other campus organizations. Through our efforts to create and support events as well as coordinating the campus calendar, we hope to enhance and unify the university community by providing well-balanced, quality events in response to students’ needs and interests.

Student at Anderson University Indiana
CAB Services
  • Sound system rental: The sound system is a single speaker with mic and bluetooth compatibility. 
  • Stall Talk: Submit an announcement for weekly Stall Talk. Contact: Stall Talk at
  • Create posters: Poster paper and markers are available in our poster room.
  • Sign-ups and ticket sales: Use the CAB office as a location to leave sign-ups and tickets.
CAB Staff
Will Walker:  Coordinator of Student Activities 
Josh Westrum: Student Engagement Graduate Assistant
Caleb Opoku: Student Cab Director
Alisa Young: Cabbie
Jayla Jones: Cabbie
Atticus Jenkins: Cabbie
Ethan Harp: Cabbie
Kenzie Fridley: Cabbie
Meaghan Christensen: Cabbie
Lizzy Shaw: Cabbie
Worthy Ebringa: Cabbie
Contact Us

Location: Bottom of Student Center
Phone: (765) 641-4214

Follow us on social media for the latest
CAB events, pictures, and information:

"Being on student leadership as a Cabbie was honestly one of the best things I could have ever done here at Anderson University! I think the most valuable learning experiences I had were in the interactions with peers, faculty, and staff. The people in the AU community are the ones who taught me the biggest life lessons."
Kayla Medaris

Business management and finance major

CAB Events, the fun
You've been Looking For.

Collaborate ideas, make lasting memories, and bring the campus community together.
