Dr. Agnieszka Zick
Piano Composition Camp Faculty
Agnieszka Zick is a Polish-born pianist and educator. She performs as a soloist, chamber, and orchestra musician. Recently she has been a featured soloist with The Florida Wind Band in Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. She performs regularly with a chamber group Amici Musicali in Tampa Bay area, and in 2017 she toured her native Poland (Poznań, Łódź, and Warsaw). Zick also enjoys collaborating as an orchestra pianist (Chautauqua Music Festival Symphony Orchestra, USF Symphony Orchestra, Life Sciences Orchestra, and The Florida Wind Band). Festival appearances include the Chautauqua Music Festival, Aspen Music Festival, Wiener Meisterkurse, Zakopane Academy of Art, Summer Music Academy in Kraków, and International Master Courses in Zamość and Białystok in Poland.
Zick maintains a keen interest in contemporary repertoire. She has worked with composers Louis Andriessen, David del Tredici, Augusta Read Thomas, and David Liptak. She commissioned works by Tyler Kline and Roger Zare and will perform and record them this coming year.
In addition to performing, Zick is passionate about piano pedagogy. She was active in the Music Teachers National Association in Florida and Michigan (president of the University of Michigan MTNA Collegiate Chapter). Zick adjudicated several regional competitions and presented for the Oakland Teachers Piano Guild, Michigan. Conferences presentation include Michigan Music Teachers Association State Conference, Piano Pedagogy Symposium in Ohio, and Ann Arbor Teachers Guild.
Agnieszka Zick holds degrees from the F. Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw, Poland, the University of South Florida (Piano Performance; Chamber Music), and a DMA in Piano Pedagogy and Performance from the University of Michigan. Zick was on a faculty at Eckerd College, Schoolcraft College Piano Academy, and as a sabbatical replacement at the University of South Florida. Currently, she is a Piano Instructor at Berkley Preparatory School – Music Conservatory, and a pianist at Bayshore Baptist Church. Zick is a recipient of the 2018 Hillsborough County Professional Development Artist Grant.
DMA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI — Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Pedagogy and Performance
MM, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL — Master of Music in Piano Performance Double Major: Master of Music in Chamber Music
BM, Frederic Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw, Poland — Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance; Certification in Piano Pedagogy Studies