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All who wish to major in education, or who wish to seek licensure, must be formally admitted to the teacher preparation program after completing the prerequisite requirements. These requirements must be met prior to enrolling in upper-level education or subject-specific methods courses and in the teaching internship. Transfer students considering a major in education should meet with the Curriculum Director of the Department of Education to assess eligibility. Admission to the university neither implies nor guarantees acceptance into the teacher preparation program.
Are you ready for the Teacher Preparation Program?
The criteria for eligibility to interview for TPP is as follows:
- Completed EDUC 2000 (or equivalent) with a C or better
- Completed EDUC 2100 with a C or better
- Completed or be enrolled in EDUC 2110 (completed EDUC 2110 with C or better)
- Completed SPED 2400 with a C or better
- Completion or current enrollment in EDUC 2460 and EDUC 2170 (elementary), 2860 (secondary), or MUED 3110 (music).
- Completed ENGL 1100 or 1110 and 1120 (completed EDUC 1120 with C or better)
- Passing scores on the individual Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests in reading (156), writing (162), and math (150), or a composite score of 460 for all three tests. Candidates with an overall GPA of at least 3.75 who take but do not pass the Proxis Core (either through individual scores or a composite), may still apply for admission. Test fees are the responsibility of the candidate.
- Have an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher