Anderson University

Student Employment

Anderson University offers part-time jobs to enrolled students. These jobs are often related to students’ academic or professional interests.

Business student at Anderson University

Student Employment

Working on campus allows a student to earn money for college expenses, establish a work record, develop useful professional skills, and provide an opportunity for interaction with faculty, staff, and fellow students. Learn how to search and apply for student employment.

AU is an equal-opportunity employer. To be eligible for student employment, students must:

  • Be registered for at least 6 hours of classes (or for the next semester during periods of non-enrollment). Incoming students need to pay the enrollment deposit for the fall semester to be eligible for student employment the preceding summer.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Support the university’s mission to provide quality education in a Christian environment.

When hired for a student job, you will receive an email from to request completion of the Student Employment Application, Federal and State Tax forms, I-9 form, and banking information for direct deposit of bi-weekly paycheck. You will need to bring the identification needed for the I-9 to the Office of Work Life Engagement, Decker Hall, Suite 112 prior to beginning work. (Example: Unexpired passport or your AU ID Card and either social security card or birth certificate) See complete list here.

The majority of student positions pay an hourly wage. The hourly wage is determined by the student wage category of the position. There are also some stipend positions available (see below). Because students are part-time temporary employees, they do not receive benefits such as paid holidays and health insurance, but they are covered under Worker’s Compensation. Student employees are paid according to the AU Biweekly Payroll ScheduleWe encourage all employees to review time cards for correct information and pay stubs for correct payroll and deductions by going to or using the Paycom app.

For more information on student employment, including tax exemptions and hour restrictions, please consult the Anderson University Student Employee Handbook.

Elected and Appointed Student Job Listings

NOTICE: To inquire about a student job posting, please come to AU Office of Work Life Engagement/HR, Decker Hall, Suite 112.

Students are elected to the position or are appointed to lead a program or project. Positions are typically a stipend position. Job openings are announced in chapel, through signs/announcements around campus and in Work Life Engagement (WLE). Come to WLE for additional information. Many positions for the summer or the next academic year are advertised in January to begin the application process, including references and interviews, with hiring decisions usually made by the end of March. The types of positions that are typically available on an annual basis include:

Student Life Leadership

A variety of positions are available each year through the Department of Center for Student Life. These positions include resident assistants, discipleship coordinators, peer mentors, CAB, and more!


Hired as needed for each theatre production: Sound Designer, Costumer, Shop Foreman, Scenic Artist, Lighting Designer, House Manager, Stage Manager, Stage Lighting Technician, Props Master.

PACT program

The Peace and Conflict Transformation (PACT) program seeks to provide opportunities for students to grow in their understanding of peacebuilding. The PACT Student Coordinator will be responsible for organizing Student Peace Initiative, serving on the PACT Advisory Committee, and assisting with various PACT sponsored campus events. Coordinate activities for the Peace and Conflict Transformation (PACT) Program to help fulfill its objectives. A student will gain experience in planning and implementing events in conjunction with PACT and SPI (AU’s Student Peace Initiative), as well as cooperating with other partners both on and off campus. The student will help raise the visibility of the PACT Program on campus and provide support and assistance to students in SPI, working to ensure continuity in the leadership of SPI.

RCA (Summer Position)

A Resident Conference Assistant (RCA) is a current Anderson University student and hired through the conferencing office for summer employment. Each RCA plays a vital role in ensuring the success of the University’s summer conference and camp program. The Resident Conference Assistant is involved in every aspect of the conference and camp program, from general preparation for a visiting group, to planning specific group needs with individual conference directors or coaches, and on-site management. The RCA assigned to a specific group will be the primary contact person for any arrangements that needs to be made for a camp or conference once the summer has begun. Prior to the completion of the semester, all correspondence can be done through the conferencing office.