Men’s High School Soccer Team Camp

Men’s High School Soccer Team Camp offers an opportunity for teams to train together at Anderson University. This is our 22nd year serving our high school players. When you register for High School Team Camp, you will participate with your team, staying on campus for two nights and training during the day. Each summer, hundreds of players from around the region gather on campus, where they learn from our coaching staff as well as one another. Want to get involved? Contact Coach Fridley.

Grow Your Skill

Imagine taking your team to the next level.

Dates & Times

July 11-13, 2025
July 14-16, 2025
Check in is at 12 p.m.
There is a $50 non-refuldable deposit

This is an overnight camp. A sample schedule can be found below:
7:30 a.m. Wake up
8 a.m. Breakfast
9:15 a.m. Session I
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:15 p.m. Free time
1:30 p.m. Session II
3:45 p.m. Free time/Pool
4:45 p.m. Dinner
6:15 p.m. Session III (games)
8:45 p.m. Videos/Pool/Free time
10:30 p.m. Lights out

High school coaches arrange with Scott Fridley for their teams to attend camp, and teams will be assigned to dates based on their coaches’ request.


High School Student


$225 per player

A coach or chaperone must attend with each team. The cost of two coaches/chaperones is included in the team’s registration.

There is a $50 non-refundable deposit.

Contact Us

Coaches are invited to contact Coach Scott Fridley for information about our team camp this summer. This is a residential camp designed for teams. Looking for our prospect camp?