2016-17 Faculty Accomplishments

(Listed in the order as received)

Summer 2016 

Ray Sylvester contributed to the textbook, Marketing Communications – discovery, creation and conversations (7th edition) C. Fill and S. Turnbull (published by Pearson Education Limited, UK, May 23) with his case, “Beyoncé  – how brand licensing influences popular music acts.” 

Jason Parks completed his Ph.D. in English Literature at Ball State University. His dissertation was entitled, “A  Kind of Higher Journalism”: Eugene Jolas, The New Mythos, and Transition (1927-1938). Dr. Parks presented his  paper, “Eugene Jolas’ Higher Journalism,” at the European Association of Modernism and Avant-Garde Studies  conference in Rennes, France, June 3. This is the premier conference in his specialty in Europe. 

Shauna Steele and a group of Anderson University dance students were selected to perform at The National  College Dance Festival at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC June 8-11. 

Kevin Radaker began offering his portrayal of Winston Churchill during a f0ur-week tour of the Oklahoma  Chautauqua in June. In addition to his dramatic shows, Dr. Radaker also delivered lectures in each community – one on the reception and effect of Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech, and the other on Churchill’s changing view of  the atomic bomb during the first decade of the Cold War. In August, Dr. Radaker offered his “C. S. Lewis” at the  Cedar Falls Bible Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Dr. Radaker will be touring in Indiana and Ohio this fall, and will  be on campus Nov. 11 for his portrayal of Winston Churchill. 

Elizabeth Imafuji presented “Teaching Digital Media from a Faith-in-Action Perspective” at the Friends  Association of Higher Education conference in Birmingham, England, on June 18. Dr. Imafuji also taught an  invited guest lecture entitled, “Organizing English-Language Academic Essays” at Itami City Municipal High School  in Itami City, Japan, this summer. 

Randy Frieling was on the faculty for the National Convention of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians held  in Montreat, North Carolina, June 19-July 2. The two-week conference hosted 1,000 musicians each week from  across the United States. 

Hyeon Joon Shin co-authored a research article entitled, “International Political Economy, the National Food  Security of South Korea and the Governance of Global Agriculture in the Post-Doha Era” which was published in the  Journal of Comparative Asian Development (Volume 15, 2016, Issue 2) July 6. 

Joani Brandon is serving as president of the Feierabend Association for Music Education (FAME). Dr. Brandon  coordinated and presided over the organization’s second national conference held July 16-17, 2016, at Gordon  College in Wenham, Massachusetts.

With grant funds awarded by NASA’s Indiana Space Grant Consortium, Jennifer Coy and Kyle Tarplee were  able to implement their proposal for a STEM Immersion Summer Camp for high school students. The inaugural day  camp was held on campus July 18-22. John Millis, Chad File, and Richard Pottorf, assisted with planning the  camp. The group plans to continue the annual AU camp, hoping to create a residential experience in future camps. 

Michael Wiese contributed to an online article series published in Seedbed’s Faith and Work Collective, including  “What Can Boxing Teach Us about Work?” (7/4), “Work and Worship Are Not Two Different Things” (7/11), “What  Happens When We Prioritize Work, then Worship?” (7/18), “Why We Don’t Have to Choose Between Work and  Worship” (7/25), “Can Work Always Be Spiritualized Worship?” (8/1), and “Our Work is a Form of Worship”  (8/15). The series was a collaborative effort between Dr. Wiese and Dr. Kevin Brown (Asbury University). 

David Murphy was a residential fellow of the Independent Social Research Foundation’s scholars’ research  seminar entitled “Reclaiming the ‘Geo’ for the Social Sciences,” convened at Girton College, Cambridge, Aug. 15-18,  where Dr. Murphy was invited to present his paper, “From Geopolitik to Demopolitik: Spatial Thinking,  Raumplanung and the Ideological Origins of Nazi Population Policy in Occupied Eastern Europe.” 

Lolly Bargerstock successfully completed her PhD in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences from Western Michigan  University. Her dissertation was titled, “The Integration of Professional Identity and Christian Religious Identity in  Undergraduate Social Work Students.” Dr. Bargerstock has been invited to conduct a workshop on the subject at  the 66th Annual Convention and Training Conference of the North American Association of Christians in Social  Work (NACSW) to be held in Cincinnati this November. 

September 2016 

Greg Kaufinger reports that he (along with Dr. Rebecca Goza and Dr. Lee Tyner) had their paper, “Multivariate  Analysis of Voluntary Health and Welfare Organization Financial Performance Measures” published in the Journal  of Accounting and Finance (vol. 16). The blind refereed journal has a 20 percent acceptance rate in Cabells. 

Feler Bose had two papers accepted for publication. The first, “Poverty and Aid to the Poor: A Dialogue” will be  published in the Fall 2016 issue of the Journal of Biblical Integration in Business (CBFA), and the second, “Lecture,  Leisure, Learning: Teaching Economic Development Abroad in India,” is expected to be published in 2017 Journal  for Economic Educators

Kyle Tarplee had a journal article accepted for publication entitled, “Robust Performance-Based Resource  Provisioning Using a Steady-State Model for Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming,” DOI (identifier)  10.1109/TCC.2016.2608345, in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

Tammy Reedy-Strother will be presenting a paper at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion/Religious Research Association (SSSR/RRA) to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, this October. The  paper is titled, “A robe is just a robe? Symbols and symbolic actions used by clergy women to claim and  demonstrate their authority.” 

October 2016 

Kevin Radaker offered his new portrayal of Winston Churchill on Sept. 11 at the Poland Historic Chapel in  Poland, Indiana; and on Oct. 4 at the Warsaw Public Library in Warsaw, Indiana. Dr. Radaker also offered his  “Thoreau” at the Holliday Park Nature Center in Indianapolis on Oct. 2. 

Greg Kaufinger’s paper, “Gift Card Breakage: Evidence of an anomalous recognition pattern,” was accepted for  publication in Vol. 21 of the Journal of Finance & Accountancy – a blind, peer reviewed journal.

Three faculty members from the Falls School of Business had papers accepted for presentation and included in  the 2016 Christian Business Faculty Association conference proceedings. Emmett Dulaney’s topic, “Why do we  ignore the best management theories when it comes to the classroom?” was an examination of some software tools  that can simplify classroom management. Melanie Peddicord’s topic, “Best Practices in Teaching Accounting &  Auditing: A Discussion of Six Learning Tools,” was a joint project with Sandra Mankins (Gardner-Webb  University). Michael Wiese’s topic, “A Call to Worship: Preparing our Students for Ministry in the Workplace,”  was a joint project with Dr. Kevin Brown (Asbury University). The CBFA conference was to be held Oct. 6-8 in  Charleston, South Carolina, but was ultimately cancelled due to Hurricane Matthew. 

Samantha Yoo’s freelance design project is being featured on public transportation in the New York City area as  part of an outdoor advertising campaign by Shoe Village and New Balance. 

Rebekah Baker was recently elected as the College Central Representative for the Indiana Council of Teachers of  Mathematics (ICTM) Board. 

November 2016 

Diana Jones and Stephanie Crosby co-presented at the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education,  Recreation and Dance (IAHPERD) annual conference held Nov. 3 in Indianapolis. Their session was entitled, “I  Get by with a Little Help from My Friends: Cooperative and Team Building Activities.” Dr. Jones also presented  a Nov. 4 session at the conference entitled, “Tapping to the Beat with Lummi Sticks.” 

Greg Kaufinger had an educational case study, “Harold’s Stores Inc.,” published in the Journal of Business Cases  and Applications, volume 16. The case, a joint effort with Chris Neuenschwander (Anderson University, SC),  presents students the opportunity to combine strategic and financial analysis to assess a firm’s strategic direction  and operations. The journal is blind peer reviewed. 

David Murphy was the Indiana Bicentennial speaker at the Carmel Public Library and the Hancock County Public  Library, speaking on both occasions about the Fall Creek Massacre. Dr. Murphy was also the invited commentator  at a German Film history workshop conducted by the University of Vienna’s Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer  Geschichte und Gessellschaft on Nov. 5 at the University of Missouri at Columbia. 

Samantha Miller was invited to present a paper at the prestigious “North America Patristics Society” conference  held Nov. 7-9 at KU Leuven, Belgium. The conference title was “John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala:  Homilists, Exegetes, and Theologians,” and Dr. Miller’s paper was entitled “The Exemplary Role of Adam and Eve  in John Chrysostom’s Virtue-Building Program.” The NAPS is a scholarly organization dedicated to the study of the  history, literature, and theology of ancient Christianity. 

Kevin Radaker recently offered his new dramatic portrayal of Winston Churchill at several public libraries. From  Oct. 22-25, he toured libraries in Northfield, Lakewood, Canton and Warren, Ohio. On Nov. 10, Dr. Radaker visited  the Columbus, Indiana, library before returning home to AU’s Nicholson Library Nov. 11. 

Donna Albrecht served on a special committee of Indiana’s Chapter of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of  Other Languages) to organize pre-conference activities including the creation of a “white paper” to Indiana  stakeholders. Dr. Albrecht also presented a session entitled “Conversation on a Leadership Framework” at the 2016  INTESOL (Indiana’s Chapter of TESOL) Conference held Nov. 12 in Indianapolis. 

Elizabeth Imafuji had two works published: (1) “Teaching Digital Media from a Faith-in-Action Perspective” in  Quaker Higher Education 10.2, Nov. 2016; and (2) “From Accreditation to Discussion Boards to Evidence-Based  Reflection: Creating and Recreating a History of the English Language Course” in The Atrium: A Journal of  Academic Voices, Fall 2016.

Kevin Radaker presented the full-length version of his “C. S. Lewis” at the University of Indianapolis on  November 29. 

December 2016 

Donna Albrecht received training as a CAEP reviewer recognized by the Indiana Department of Education, and  has been appointed to an accreditation review team. 

Kimberly Majeski’s “Women Leaders in the Church” ran in Holiness Today, Nov./Dec. 2016. January 2017 

Kimberly Majeski contributed to Joining Lives: A Primer on the Ministry of Reconciliation (Odle, 2017, Wipf and  Stock Publishers) with her chapter entitled, “Stripped Love: Reconciliation and Sex Trafficking.” 

Joani Brandon led a panel session at the Indiana Music Education Association’s (IMEA) professional  development conference held January 11-14, 2017, in Fort Wayne. The session, with Anderson University and  Butler University alumni, was entitled “Things They Didn’t (Can’t) Teach Us in College.” 

Greg Kaufinger‘s paper, “Gift Card Breakage and Artificial Income Smoothing: An Empirical Analysis,” was  accepted on January 18, 2017 for publication in the International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance (IJBAF). Papers for IJBAF are selected based on a double-blind, peer review process. 

February 2017 

Kimberly Lyle-Ippolito successfully defended her thesis “Do Cultural Gatekeepers Influence Acceptance or  Rejection of Evolutionary Theory by Christian College Students at Anderson University?” to complete her Master of  Theological Studies from the Anderson University School of Theology. 2.16.17 

Kevin Radaker presented his dramatic portrayal of Henry David Thoreau at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Carmel,  Indiana, on February 26. This is the first of several performances he will offer this year in several states in  celebration of the 200th anniversary of Thoreau’s birth. 

Joani Brandon co-authored a book, First Steps in Music and Orff Schulwerk: Sing, Say, Dance, Playwith Betsy Greene, Rachel Grimsby, Craig Knapp, and Chris Tranberg. The book, published by GIA Publications,  combines the research of the Feierabend approach and Orff Schulwerk. 

March 2017 

Lolly Bargerstock presented “The Integration of Professional Identity and Christian Religious Identity in BSW  Students” at the 2017 annual conference of The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD)  held March 1-5 in New Orleans. 

Greg Kaufinger (along with Chris Neuenschwander from Anderson University, South Carolina) presented a  working paper, “The Economic Consequences of the Retail Inventory Method” on March 24 at the Academic &  Business Research Institute Spring Conference in Asheville, North Carolina. 

Peter Elliott presented “When and How to Consider Ceding Control in the FYC Classroom” as part of a panel  presentation on March 31 at the College English Association conference in Hilton Head, South Carolina.