2013-14 Faculty Accomplishments
(Listed in the order as received)
September 2013
John Millis published two papers this summer: 1) Discovery of TeV Gamma-Ray Emission toward Supernova Remnant SNR G78.2+2.1, Aliu, E., et. al. The Astrophysical Journal. June, 2013. 2) Discovery of a new TeV gamma-ray source: VER J0521+211, Archambault, S. et. al., The Astrophysical Journal. August, 2013. John also presented research on black-widow millisecond pulsar systems at the 222nd American Astronomical Society Conference: Search for Very High Energy Radiation in Black-Widow Type Millisecond Pulsar Systems, Millis, J. for the VERITAS Collaboration. June, 2013. John also received a $1,500 NASA/INSGC grant to support the Indiana Astrophysics Meeting, for which he is the organizing chair and, launched a new web science series Tomorrow’s Discoveries, new episodes of which will be airing very two weeks or so this fall on redOrbit.com
Richard Sowers and the Anderson Symphony Orchestra received the Rotary Robert W. Shoemaker Community Image Award for their contribution to a stronger, better community.
The Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) has awarded the Department of Mathematics a grant totaling $22,000 to be used for research during the 2013-2014 school year. Justin Lambright and Courtney Taylor achieved the grant by developing a mathematics problem first brought up in Lambright’s thesis. The grant will allow four students the opportunity to continue his research and then make a presentation at Brigham Young University in early 2014. Anderson University was one of just 12 institutions nationwide to receive the grant.
Kevin Radaker presented his dramatic portrayal of C. S. Lewis at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minn., on Sept. 16, and at the Northfield Public Library in Northfield, Ohio, on Aug. 1.
Daniel Allen’s article “From Nagasaki to Damascus: Just War and American Consistency” appeared in the 6 September issue of Capital Commentary, and can be read at http://www.capitalcommentary.org/chemical weapons/nagasaki-damascus-just-war-and-american-consistency.
Sally Shulmistras and Brandan Grayson will attend the Biennial Conference of Alpha Mu Gamma, the national college foreign language honors society, Sept. 26-28. at Elmhurst College outside of Chicago. Dr. Grayson is the new chapter Iota Theta Sponsor and Prof. Shulmistras is on the Executive Committee and is Chair of the organization’s scholarship committee. They will be accompanied by AU students Layne Onks and Jessica Soriano, presenting on topics of their own research. Layne’s presentation is titled: “La realidad soñada por Borges y Cortázar”, and Jessica’s is titled: Students Learn by Offering “English as a New Language” Classes.
Gary Robinson has authored the book, “Ten Lights of Leadership”, which is now available on Amazon and Kindle.
Courtney Taylor has published a peer reviewed, open access textbook An Introduction to Abstract Algebra – with Bookboon, Inc.
Joel Shrock’s essay “Alger, Fosdick and Stratemeyer in the Heartland: Crossover Reading in Muncie, Indiana, 1891- 1902,” will appear in Print Cultures in History: Beyond the Metropolis, to be published by the University of Toronto Press.
David Murphy’s article “Hitler’s Geostrategist? The Myth of Karl Haushofer and the Institut fuer Geopolitik” will appear in the forthcoming issue of The Historian.
Jeannie Ecker served on the planning committee while Becky Hull, Connie Hippensteel, Kathleen Dugan, Amber Reed and Rebekah Baker presented at the Sept. 14. “Making Connections Madison County Early Childhood Conference.”
Donna Albrecht has been asked to serve as a community/parent/educational representative on a committee from Anderson Community Schools to plan for an Early College High School program.
October 2013
Lynn Schmidt presented Global Service Learning in Schools of Nursing: Policy and Curricular Issues at the NLN (National League of Nursing) to the NLN Strategic Task Force Committee. This presentation identified why global service learning should be a priority and how Anderson University School of Nursing overcomes the obstacles identified by the NLN Deans and Directors survey. She also presented Driving Forces, Obstacles and Opportunities at the NLN Summit 2013 Global Service Learning Workshop in Sept. 2013. This presentation discussed the development of international programs in United States Schools of Nursing, examining through the perspective of driving forces, obstacles, and opportunities. Lynn also led a Skill Session: Global Service Learning Course Alignment.
Larry Seibert’s latest publication appeared in the Sept./Oct. 2013 issue of The Executive, published by the California Society of Association Executives. The article is titled Members’ Perceptions of Dues and Membership Value: The Effects of Dues Reimbursement.
John Millis’ article, Aliu, E., et. al., “A Search for Enhanced Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the March 2013 Crab Nebula Flare“, was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 23 Sept., 2013.
With the support of Amber Reed, Anderson University students were awarded a Service Engagement Grant titled, “World Premature Birth Day,” from Indiana Campus Compact in the amount of $1000.
Diana Jones and four senior physical education teaching majors (Brandon Brown, Jonathan Coddington, Dane DeWitt, and Tyler Ganus) gave a presentation entitled, “Fit + Lit = Healthy Minds and Bodies” at the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Conference on Oct. 31.
November 2013
Sarah Neal presented “An Innovative Approach to Nursing Education: The Global Community as Clinical Agency” during the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Boston (Nov. 2-6, 2013). Abby Richardson, a 2012-13 AU nursing graduate, presented with Sarah. Abby also had a poster in the student section.
Elizabeth Imafuji published the book chapter, “The Role of Imprisonment and Post-Prison Social Status in Renaissance Rhetorical Treatises of Thomas Wilson and Margaret Fell” in Civil Strife in a Complex and Changing World.
Tammy L. Reedy-Strother presented a paper at the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences entitled “A Robe is Just A Robe?: Symbols and Symbolic Actions Used by Clergy Women of the United Methodist Church to Claim and Demonstrate Their Authority”.
Joani Brandon presented at the American Orff Schulwerk Conference in Denver.
Donna Albrecht was a featured presenter in Nov. 2013 at the Indiana TESOL Organization’s yearly conference; “Identifying and Teaching High Ability English Learners: Meeting the Needs of an Under-Identified Group”
December 2013
Peter Elliott graduated with a second Master’s Degree from Ball State University. This most recent degree is a Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Composition. Also, in March, his essay “Reshaping Views on Social Media” will be published in The Atrium, a literature and rhetoric and composition journal.
January 2014
Jay Hochstetler completed his PhD in Business Administration with a Specialty in Management from Northcentral University. Dissertation title: “Revising the Volunteer Functions Inventory: An Exploratory Study of Additional Functions.” Jay sucessfully defended the dissertation Dec. 31, and the degree was granted Jan. 1, 2014.
Fred Miller’s research article, in which he was lead author, was published in the Jan. 2014 issue of “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise”, the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Chad L. File and David A. Peter’s publication, “Induced Power Efficiency in Axial and Skewed Flow for Finite-Bladed Lifting Rotors,” Proceedings of the Fifth Decennial AHS Aeromechanics Specialists’ Conference, San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 22-24, 2014.
Kevin Radaker presented his dramatic portrayal of Henry David Thoreau on Jan. 5 at the Lakewood Public Library in Lakewood, Ohio, and on Jan. 26 at the Ohio Humanities Council headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. In addition, his interview as the “Featured Chautauqua Scholar” will appear during the month of March on the website for the Ohio Humanities Council.
February 2014
Joani Brandon will serve as historian on the American Orff-Schulwerk 50th Anniversary Subcommittee.
Scott Kennedy and his family will be spending the summer in California where Scott will be working on special projects for GoogleX.
John Millis recently published two papers 1) Aliu, E. et. al., Discovery of a new TeV Gamma-ray Source: VER J0521+211. The Astrophysical Journal. Oct. 2013. 2) Aliu, E. et. al., A Three-Year Multi-Wavelength Study of the Very High Energy Gamma-ray Blazar 1ES 0229+200. The Astrophysical Journal. Feb. 2014.
- Maria Scott co-edited Vol. 2, InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies http://portuguese diaspora-studies.com
March 2014
Laurel Goetzinger received a ringing endorsement from Greg Gibson, President of the Harmonie Opera Club of Indianapolis for her outstanding work in the University’s presentation of Mozart’s, The Magic Flute.
Randy Frieling performed at Carnegie Hall, accompanying the National Youth Choir. Frieling, along with Pheonix Park Kim, also presented duo piano concerts at Vincennes University, Anderson University, and Central Christian Church.
On Sat., March 8, 2014, the Department of History and Political Science hosted the 34th annual conference of the Indiana Association of Historians at the Anderson University Flagship Enterprise Center.
Peter Elliott presented his paper; “Developing Writing Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities” at the Conference on Composition and Communication national conference in Indianapolis.
Blake Janutolo and Jason Parks served as moderators at the Alpha Chi national convention, both receiving written commendations for their continued distinctive service as Alpha Chi sponsors for Anderson University.
Amber Reed presented the following two sessions at the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children State Conference on March 28: (1) “Why Gender Makes a Difference” and (2) “Supporting the Critically Ill Child, Their Families, & Peers in the School Setting”
Michele Murray was selected by the Indiana Music Teachers Association (IMTA) as the 2014 Commissioned Composer. Her composition must be completed by September and will be performed at the IMTA State Convention to be held at Anderson University on Sat., Nov. 8, 2014. By accepting this commission, she will also be considered for the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Distinguished Composer of the Year award, which will be announced in the spring of 2015.
April 2014
Marian Osborne Berky has completed the requirements for a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Transformation at Eastern Mennonite University’s and will participate in spring commencement exercises.
Donna Albrecht was invited to present her research, The role of efficacy, knowledge, certification, and experience on leadership of ESL programs in Indiana schools, at Emens Graduate Symposium, Ball State University.
Amber Reed’s EDUC 3420: Teaching/Learning/Assessment in Early Childhood II: Preschool students were awarded a $500 Indiana Campus Compact Student Service Engagement Grant to orchestrate a Family Night at Southview Preschool Center ACSC in April. Also, on April 12 at the Association for Childhood Education International’s Global Summit in Vancouver, BC, Amber will present “Mommy Bloggers: Therapeutic or Cyberbullies?”
Brandan Grayson was invited by Durham University’s (UK) Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies to present a paper at the Renaissance Society of America Conference, March 26-27, 2014, in New York City. Her research was titled: “Critique, Counsel and Control: A Jesuit Model for Virtuous, Productive Masculinity in Colonial New Spain as Depicted in Tragedia intitulada Oçio (1586)”.
David Murphy was awarded a grant by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to participate in this June’s “Curt and Else Silberman Memorial Seminar on the Holocaust in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,” in Washington DC.
Jason Pierce, Ken Osborn, Beverly Travis and Karen Williams received faculty service engagement awards from the Community Partnership Center in recognition of their service to the campus and to our community.
Karen Williams was named one of 50 Golden Graduates from 6000 alumni of the School of Nursing at Purdue University, and was honored at the 50th Anniversary Gala event on April 12, 2014.
Elizabeth Imafuji presented “‘I Should Be Able to Dive In’: The Importance of First-Year Composition Students’ Own Research Interests” at the Conference on College Composition and Communication on March 21, 2014, in Indianapolis.
Emmett Dulaney and Tim States publish a monthly article on Moodle for The Journal (Transformation Education through Technology).
James Lewis concluded his term as President of the Association of Doctor of Ministry Educators.
Sheridan Rayl is president elect for the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics and elected to the Executive Council of the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Randall Frieling and Martin Ellis presented a concert at the Hilbert Circle Theatre (Indianapolis).
Merle Strege delivered the keynote address for the Western Regional Ministerium of the Church of God in Portland, Oregon, on Apr. 29.
Donna Albrecht has successfully defended her dissertation and will graduate on May 3 from Ball State University with an Ed.D. in Educational Administration and Supervision.
Marian Osborne Berky was selected to participate in a Council of Independent Colleges Seminar on Teaching Interfaith Understanding co-sponsored by CIC and the Interfaith Youth Corps. In this week-long seminar, faculty from around the U.S. will consider ways in which interfaith understanding can be taught effectively in the college classroom.
Deborah Miller Fox had an article accepted for a forthcoming issue of Faculty Focus. “Education and Consumerism: Using Students’ Assumptions to Challenge Their Thinking” is scheduled to appear in the May 19, 2014 issue.
Joel Shrock has been selected to participate in a Council of Independent Colleges Seminar, The Creation of the Modern American City: Chicago from 1830 to 1910, that will be led by Henry Binford, associate professor of history and urban affairs at Northwestern University, and Carl Smith, Franklyn Bliss Snyder Professor of English and American Studies and professor of history, also at Northwestern on June 16–20, 2014. The degree of competition for participation was intense. Shrock is one of only 28 faculty members selected for this seminar.