2021-22 Faculty Accomplishments

(Listed in the order as received)

Summer 2021 

Dr. Rebekah Baker earned a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace” certificate from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business as part of continuing education training which took place March 24 through May 5. 

Dr. Caroline Baker completed her Ph.D. from Purdue University in May. Her dissertation topic was “Particle Mechanics Approach to Modeling Impact Response and Wave Propagation in Bonded Particulate Systems.” 

In January 2020, Dr. Brian Dirck was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach American history at a Tokyo university during the 2020-21 academic year. After several COVID-19 related delays, Dr. Dirck taught his first courses to University of Tokyo students beginning in April 2021, and was finally able to fly to Japan in May, returning home in August for fall semester at AU. 

Dr. Tanya Whiteman completed her Doctor of Athletic Training from A. T. Still University in June. The topic of her applied research project was “Incorporating Entrustable Professional Activities into Athletic Training Education.” 

Dr. Patricia Kline has been recertified with the International Board of Lactation Consultants Examiners (IBLCE) through 2024 and with the American College of Nurse Midwives through 2025. 

Dr. Hyeon Joon Shins interdisciplinary research (economics + anthropology + theology) titled “A Girardian Interpretation of the Market Mechanism in Neo-Classical Economics” was published in Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture (Vol. 28, 2021). The article can be previewed online: https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.anderson.edu:8443/stable/10.14321/contagion.28.2021.0129. Dr. Shin is thankful for the 2019 faculty development grant which made his research possible. 

Dr. Tanya Whiteman completed her Doctor of Athletic Training from A. T. Still University in June. The topic of her applied research project was “Incorporating Entrustable Professional Activities into Athletic Training Education.”

Dr. Lolly Bargerstock was selected to receive a $1,000 Christian Leadership in a multifaith World grant from the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) for the fall 2021 cycle. 

Dr. Janell Blunt serves as peer reviewer for Translational Issues in Psychological Science and Cognitive, Af ective, & Behavioral Neuroscience academic journals. 

Dr. Laura Stull serves as peer reviewer for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal and Community Mental Health Journal and Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness academic journals. 

Dr. Elizabeth Imafuji has been contracted for “Writing Rhetorically” to run 2021 in Digitally Mediated Writing and You. Kendall Hunt Publishing. Hedge, Stephanie and Courtney Cox, eds. 

Dr. Elizabeth Imafuji serves as peer reviewer for the 2022 National Conference on College Composition and Communication. 

Dr. Rebekah Baker served on a professional development panel for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on the topic, “Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices.” 

Dr. Anna Epperly is serving on the Public Relations Committee of the Indiana Council for Administrators of Special Education. 

Dr. Cara Miller presented a paper entitled “The Problem with Student Surveillance: A Critical Examination of Google Drive” at the 19th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities held in Madrid, Spain. Additionally, Dr. Miller’s paper was published in The International Journal of Humanities Education. 

Dr. Cara Miller currently serves as editor for the Indiana English Journal and for Anderson University Press; and a peer reviewer for the Journal of Communication and Media Studies

Dr. Brandan Grayson is under contract with Brill Publishing for “Prodigal Fathers: Jesuit School Plays and the Production of Devotion in the Spanish Empire, 1565-1611.” The manuscript is currently in progress with expected completion in May 2022. 

Dr. Brandan Grayson completed a book review on “Miguel Venegas and the Earliest Jesuit Theater” by Margarida Miranda for Renaissance Quarterly 74.1 (2021); and a database review on “Catálogo del Antiguo Teatro Escolar Hispano (CATEH: Catalog of old Hispanic school theatre)” for Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 43.4 (2020).

September 2021 

Professor Jack Lugar provided a screenwriting presentation at the Heartland Film Festival. Prof. Lugar is working on the Anderson University Institutional Saga funded documentary project. 

Professor Jack Lugar published Sessi and the Path to Lyra, a young adult fantasy novel and part of the Sessi Nilsson Series. 

Dr. David Murphy published “A Big, New Hitler? Capitalism, ‘Ango-America’ and Hitler’s War Aims” in the Journal of Strategic Studies. 43:6-7, 1063-1077, doi: 10.1080/01402390.2020.1752196 

Dr. David Murphy published “Review of Gary Clayton Anderson’s Massacre in Minnesota: The Dakota War of 1862, the Most Violent Ethnic Conflict in American History” in The American Historical Review. Vol. 125, Issue 5, Dec. 2020, Pp 1884–1885, https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhaa394 

Dr. David Murphy serves as a manuscript reviewer for University of Michigan Press. Dr. Jason Parks served as a peer reviewer of Dune for The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies. 

Professor Joyce (Wehneman) Polschneider serves on the review team for the Indiana Department of Education Initial Licensure/Post-Baccalaureate Program, reviewing university applications for state accreditation of their licensure programs. 

Dr. Leroy Quashie is a member of the Board of Directors, serving on the Services and Quality Committee, for Aspire Indiana. Dr. Quashie also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Community Hospital Anderson Foundation as well as for Children of Promise. 

Dr. Dulce Maria Scott serves as President of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences. She served on the organizing committee for the Beyond Boundaries Indiana Academies Symposium held [virtually] in April, and was the featured speaker for the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Session and spoke at several symposium sessions. 

Dr. Dulce Maria Scott serves as co-executive editor for the American Studies Over_Seas: Narrating Multiple America(s); as co-executive editor for the Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies; and on the editorial board for The Portuguese in the Americas book series. 

Dr. Jaye Lee Rogers presented “African American and White Missionary Women in the Congo in the Early 20th Century” to the Anderson Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in a spring session. 

Prof. Elizabeth Ranfeld published “Sometimes There are No Good Choices: A Review of Summer by Edith Wharton” in the Legible Blog (2/24/21).

October 2021 

Dr. Kimberly Majeski was honored to be among the “Valiant Women in the Church of God” nominees during Women’s History Month, recognized for continuing “to break ceilings, walls, and silence as they educate the church, equip the called.” (click for more information…) 

November 2021 

Prof. Stefanie Leiter has been a member of the Hoosier PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) since 2017, having served in an elected position on the communications board during that time. In January 2021, Prof. Leiter was elected to chair the blog committee, and recently the PRSA elected her to the East Central Indiana District Board of Directors (effective Jan. 2022). One of the 10 PRSA districts in the U.S., the East Central District represents members in 17 PRSA chapters concentrated in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Western and Northwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia to build stronger chapters throughout the district by facilitating chapter leadership development, professional development and communication between all components of the organization. 

December 2021 

Prof. Stefanie Leiter presented “Flowers, avocados, and baby bumps: An analysis of media bias” at the 107th National Communication Association [NCA] conference held Nov. 18-21 in Seattle. 

January 2022 

Dr. Jason Varner presented a paper titled “The Transformation of Trauma: on Liminality and Identity in Seventeenth-Century New England” at the European Association for Early American Studies’ annual conference held December 9-11 at the University of Poitiers (France). The theme of the conference was “Colonisations, revolutions and reinventions in early America and the Atlantic World, 1492-1848.” 

Dr. Ben McPheron presented a paper titled “Accommodation of Pulsed Field Gradients with Cascade Field Regulations in Powered Magnets” with J.L. Schiano, I.M. Litvak, and W.W. Brey at the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held December 13-15 in Austin, Texas. 

February 2022 

Dr. Janell Blunt published a research article in Memory & Cognition on Jan. 27, and also created an online database of 1,200 nouns for other researchers to use in word-based projects. (VanArsdall, J. E., & Blunt, J. R. (2022). Analyzing the structure of animacy: Exploring relationships among six new animacy and 15 existing normative dimensions for 1,200 concrete nouns. Memory & Cognition, 1-16.) Link to article.

March 2022 

Dr. Janell Blunts manuscript was selected from Memory & Cognition to be featured content on the psychonomic society’s webpage (Feb. 8). 

Dr. Sarah Cox recently completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice at Northern Kentucky University. Dr. Cox also earned a Post Master of Science in Nursing Graduate Certificate as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Her DNP project was titled, “Evaluating Providers’ Perceptions on Postpartum Care for Women with Substance Use Disorder Who Are Receiving Medication Assisted Treatment.” 

Dr. Lonnie Leeper published a journal article titled, “Developing Faith Integration in a Principles of Corporate Finance Course” in the Christian Business Academy Review, Spring 2022, Vol. 17. Available online. (2.28.22) 

The Faculty Development Committee awarded the following grants or Spring/Summer: Prof. Randall Gray – “Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training” (Category III grant). 

  • Dr. Ben McPheron – “Development of Low-Cost Industrial Control Experiences for Use in Control and Mechatronics System Courses” (Category I grant). 
  • Dr. David Murphy – “‘Destroy This Blood’: Nuremberg and Nazi Demopolitics in Eastern Europe” (Category I grant). 
  • Dr. Connor Sutton – “Place over Politics: The Role of Capabilities, Strategy, Terrain, and Regime Type in Interstate War Outcomes, 1816-2003” (Category I grant). 

April 2022 

Dr. Connor Sutton coauthored a book chapter titled, “A Limited Time Offer: Exploring Adjunct, Visiting, and Fixed-Term Positions” in the forthcoming edited book, Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond. The book is published by the American Political Science Association and should be in print by summer. The chapter, available in preprint, is linked HERE. (3.2.22) 

Dr. Maria Scott co-edited a new book published in the Peter Lang series, Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas, Vol. 15, entitled Portuguese Folktales from Canada by Manuel da Costa Fontes. (3.31.22)

May 2021 

Prof. Earlene Masi successfully completed a professional development certificate for QM (Quality Matters), APPQMR (Independent Applying the QM Rubric). (1.1.22-4.3.22) 

Dr. Ben McPheron presented a paper, “Work-In-Progress: Applying Peer Mentorship in a First Year Engineering Course to Improve Student Learning and Retention Outcomes” at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Illinois-Indiana Section Conference held at Anderson University April 9. 

Dr. Janell Blunt spoke on the topic, “Science of Learning: Memory strategies and functions” at the invitation of the University of Illinois Neural Engineering Lab. The talk was on April 13, 2022 and is linked HERE.